Tuesday 17 September 2013

The poem we worked with in class

Was Johnny Barlow
with his lightning fists
that drew blood in a blur.
was Urger,
who stood behind,
with crooked teeth,
spitting and cursing.
were Miss Spencer’s eyes,
pale and shining,
and fading distant grey
as the taxi drove away.
was my dad’s handkerchief,
pressed into the pocket
above his heart;
a box of handkerchiefs
Mum gave him on his birthday
two weeks before she died.
was dry grass all summer,
a dead snake,
cane toads squashed flat,
our house smeared in oil;
nothing that lives,
nothing that shines.
was Mum’s nightgown,
the chalk Miss Carter used
to write my name,
hospital sheets,
and the colour of Linda’s cross.

from the verse novel by the river by the Australian author Steven Herrick

And the great titles you came up with:

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