Saturday 14 September 2013

How to publish a blog post

My dear students,

I have seen that quite a few of you have already completed the first step by following my invitation that I have sent to you by email and signing up for this blog as authors - WELL DONE!

Now some of you are probably wondering how to publish your first post, i.e. your homework.
In order to make it easier for you, I have compiled a step-by-step guide for you.

1) Click on the orange "blogger" symbol in the upper left-hand corner or this page.

2) You will be taken to your blogger homepage with an overview of your blogs on and your activities on there. In your case, there will probably only be one blog listed there - our classroom blog "The Lang(l)ophiles". Right next to its title, you will find an orange button with a pencil - click on it.

3) You will be taken to a page where you can give a title to your post and type your contrubution into the main body. You can also add pictures from your computer, your phones or from the internet as well as attach links or videos. After you have finished editing your post click on "publish" and your contrubition should appear on our blog.


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