Wednesday 25 September 2013

Another colour poem

Black is the colour of my best liked t-shirt.

Yellow is the sunshine shining on the earth.

Orange ist the colour of my favourite fruit, the mango.

Red ist the colour my face turns into when I was too long in the Yellow.

Green is the colour of hopeness.

Brown is the colour of earth, you need to live on.

Blue is the colour of the sky when you look at it or the colour of the water you need to live.

Purple is the colour of something I really don´t like.

White is the colour made of all colours. Together they make white and a good poem.

1 comment:

  1. I find it particularly interesting how you re-use the colour yellow to explain red. Just one little thing "Hoffnung" is "hope" in English, not hopeness.

    Good work!


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