Sunday 15 September 2013


I’m going to tell you something about Australia. Australia is with 7.692.024 km2 on the sixth place of the biggest countries of the world. On this big island are living 22.485.300  people and 150 million sheep. Australia is on the southern hemisphere and it’s north-west to New Zealand.

Most of the people think, that Sydney is the capital of Australia, but it’s Canberra. Both cities are in New South Wales. There’re seven states in Australia: Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. The biggest cities are Perth (Western Australia), Brisbane (Queensland), Sydney (New South Wales) and Melbourne (Victoria), but in Canberra don’t live as much as people like in Sydney.

The most populated territories are the coasts of Australia, because most of the middle in the country is desert.

The climate of Australia has got six different kinds, which are Equatorial, Tropical, Subtropical, Desert, Grassland and Temperate. In the north there’s the weather tropical and it’s alongside of the subtropical territory, in the south there’s the weather more pannonian. In Australia there’re three different natural “disasters”: the subtropical high pressure belt, the Passat wind and the subpolar west-wind.

In Australia you can find koalas, wombats, Tasmanian devils, possums, blue ring octopus and 40 kinds of kangaroos.

I think that you should vistit Australia, because this country is different with the countries in Europe. You can see other animals, an other culture and other territories!

I don’t know, if I would visit Australia, because I’m worried about the dangerous animals like sharks or snakes etc. and I’m afrait of the ozonsphere there, because I heard, that in Australia there’s the sphere so damaged, that people may not go out with T-Shirts.


Climate of Australia

Australian Coat of Arms





  1. You pictures are very nice. I love them.

  2. The Kangaroos are very sweet!!!

  3. Super pictures and very good structure of your text (introduction, main body, conclusion).

    I really appreciate how you added some extra information to your text (e.g.: about the climatic zones).

    Just one thing:
    - it is called the ozon layer (and yes, it is very thin in Australia and the sun is very strong but you can still go out in T-shirts and even enjoy the sun at the beach. You just need to slip-slap-slop - how the Aussies put it).


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