Wednesday 25 September 2013

My book review

By the river

by Steven Herrick

Today I’d like to tell you something about the book “By the river“. The book is about a boy called Harry. I think that he’s the person who tells us the story. At first he talks about his house, that isn’t really nice and his dad who doesn’t want to decorate it. And then there are some parts of his life that aren’t longer than three minutes. Together the parts produce a story.


I think that this book is very interesting but also difficult to read. It’s not logical all the time but I like it. I didn’t understand everything but I understood the important things. If you like poems than you should read it.

My rating:JJJJ
Sophie Liebert

1 comment:

  1. Well done for sticking so well to the guidelines regarding the layout and the content of your review.

    I like how you tell your audience one negative (difficult to read) and one positive (very interesting) aspect about the book at the very end of your review. This would definitely help prospective readers to make up their minds as to whether they should read the book or not.

    Well done!


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