Sunday 22 September 2013

My Colours - Colours discribe our life

were the flowers 
which Max saw in the park
on a Sunday morning

were the trees
with their big leaves
in the beautiful forest

was the Sky
with his yellow disc
which Max saw every day
when he looked out of the window

was the ground
which turned slowly 
into black

Alive or dead?
Max died of his own sadness
without friends and people who liked him

was the colour of the evil
Max was caught in it
He thought every day 
what went wrong in his life
but he never found it out

1 comment:

  1. Wow. This is an extremely moving poem, Daniel. Well done!
    I really like how you capture Max's solitude in your work.

    Just ont tiny remark:
    - he thought every day ABOUT what went wrong in his life.


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