Monday 16 September 2013


Australia is a 7.692.024 big island.
They live more than 22 million people.
Canberra is the capital city but a Lit of people think it is Sydney.
Canberra and Sydney are in one of Seven States in Australia
(New South Wales).Most of Australia is desert but there still live
Lots of animals.
For examplesome dangerous animals:
spiders,snakes,the blue ring octopus,crocodiles,sharks.....
But there are also harmless animals like Koalas,kangaroos
83% of the mammals
89% of the reptiles
90% of the freshwaterfish and insects
And 93%of the amphibians in australia are only
found in Australia.
There also some sights:
The Great Barrier Reef,Sydney opera house,
Ayers Rock(uluru),Australia Zoo,Melbourne aquarium
Melbourne museum,Sydney Harbour bridge,......

I would visit Australia  to see the animals wich are just found there,
to make a sightseeing-tour,see Australia and to enjoy the Holiday but I
would be carefully becsuse of the dangerous animals

1 comment:

  1. A lot of information in there - well done!

    Just check more carefully for typoes next time, please. (e.g.: spaces between words, a lot of people, etc.)
    "More than 22 million people live there" would be a better way to talk about the population.


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