Monday 16 September 2013

Australia land of the Crocodile Hunter

Why I want to travel to Australia. When I was a little boy I admired Steve Irwin aka "The Crocodile Hunter". In his show he showed lots of awesome animals. When I first startet watching his show I was a little afraid to go there, because of the poisonous animals that live in Australia. But then he explained how to handle a difficult situation with a dangerous creature. What fascinated me the most were the snakes and spiders. In about three episodes of his show he talked about rescueing Coala bears after a bush fire. Till now I only saw Coala bears in the zoo, but I want to see one that sits on an Eucalyptus tree in Australia. The Crocodile Hunter was fearless which unfortunatly cost him his live in 2006. While diving with stingrays one of them pierced his heart. But even after that I continued watching his show and still adored it.The most important thing I learned from him is that it is duty to save endangered species and our enviroment for upcoming generations.

1 comment:

  1. An awesome text, Niko.

    Not only from a linguistic point of view but also regarding your personal associations and the extra information you added on the Crocodile Hunter.
    A pleasure to read - well done!


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