Sunday 15 September 2013


Australia                                                                                              Sascha Obermayer 4.C

Australia is a big island where 22,68 million people live. The land is 8,560,000 square kilometres big but the most part of it is desert. Australia is a continent which is near new zealand.
You should go to australia because you can see some interesting animals. But also you can see dangerous snakes or scorpions. There live kangaroos, koalas, crocodils and other animals. But in australia there are bushfire because it's very hot there. The bushfire burn the animal kingdom down so they must flee. The climate is hot and that kills them too because lakes dry up.
In australia there is no winter that mean that is sunny everyday. In australia you going to see Sydney it is the city with a lot of sights. Then you can go to the beach and go swimming or diving to Great Barrier Reef. You can drive with a car and make a safari-tour. You can do sightseeing-tour through Sydney. I think you should go to australia

1 comment:

  1. Overall, a good text. I particulalry like that you talk about bushfires as they are definitely a major factor in the Australian wildlife.

    Just a couple of things:
    - remember to use capital letters for names and countries (Australia, etc.)
    - you ARE going to see
    - you can do A sightseeing tour


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