Sunday 15 September 2013


Why should/shouldn’t people visit Australia?
First of all I am going to tell you a few interesting facts about Australia. The island is 7.692.024 km² big and about 22 500 000 people live there. Many people all around the world believe that Sydney is the capital city but although Sydney is the biggest city, Canberra is the capital city. Australia has the Australian dollar as currency and Anthony Abbot as prime minister.
The Great Barrier Reef at the north-east of Australia captures one of the biggest marine diversities in the world. Many different types of corals and algas live there. Also a lot of different fish and other sea dwellers like the blackfin coralfish, the green sea turtle or the blue ring octopus, which is very poisonous. Also very dangerous are the snakes and spiders which live in Australia. 21 of the 25 most dangerous species of spiders live in Australia.
But there are also more harmless animals in Australia. For example there is the Koala bear which uses 20 hours of the day for sleeping. Next to the Koala bear the most widely spread symbol of Australia is the Kangaroo. The Kangaroo is very interesting. It can jump 1.5m high and nearly 9m far.
I think people should really visit Australia because it is a very beautiful country and there is a lot of biodiversity there. But everybody should be very careful because of the crocodiles, snakes and other dangerous animals.

These were a few facts, pro and contras about Australia. I hope you enjoyed reading!


  1. I think it is great how your text contains an obvious introduction, main body and conclusion. Well done!

    Just two things:
    - it's pro and contra
    - I hope you enjoyed reading IT, MY TEXT, etc.

    Super job!


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