Thursday 12 September 2013


Hey guys,
I'm gonna tell you something about Australia.
Australia is not only a big island it's more than that. To Australia it adds many little islands like Tasmania, Papua New Guinea and others. So it is as big as Europe, but there are so few people, only 20 million. (comparison: 700 million)
Australia is a beautyful continent. It's the only continent, which is completely on the south hemisphere. There are many kilometres deserts without anything only sand.
I would really like to travel this continent because I've seen many Photos of  Australia and so I'm getting more and more curious. One of my friend was in Australia and when she was back I had to hear many, many stories about the desert, Sydney, animals of Australia and that stuff . First I thought, it was really boring, but then the stories inspired me to look pictures some of  Australia. They are amazing. I was really impressed. Especially the species of kangaroos. It's really amazing...
You shouldn't travel to this continent, if you are afraid of spiders. There are more than 6000 species of spiders. I think it isn't a very good idea to visit Australia, if you can't stand deserts. More than half Australia is desert and if you haven't a guide, you shouldn't go in the desert.
But in Australia there's also a big rock, his name is Ayers Rock (Uluru). For Aborignes this rock is very holy. Another interest fact of this: Every day the rock change his colour. It's a very special place for everybody.
At the coast of Australia you can find the Great Barriere Reef. This reef is a home for lots of species of water animals. It is an one-time adventure for every aquanaut

I hope everybody can enjoy my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Roxy for this great post on Australia. I very much agree that you should not travel to this continent if you are afraid of spiders as you can even find highly poisonous species such as the Huntsman in Sydney.

    Your post really makes me want to go back there soon.
    Super job!


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