Monday 16 September 2013


Hello out there

Now I´m writing a travel blog about Australia. If you want to know why I´m doing this, my answer would be “because my teacher, Ms Müller, told me to do it.”
Ok let´s start!

Some facts:
Australia is a country in the Southern Hemisphere between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. Its official name is “The Commonwealth of Australia”. It´s the sixth biggest country in the world and also the smallest continent in the world. 23 million people live in Australia, it´s 7692024 km² big. There are six states and two major territories in Australia. The states are New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia. The major territories are Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory (ACT). The capital is Canberra. The center of the country are almost only deserts. This area is called the Outback. In Australia live kangaroos, koalas, emus, ostriches, crocodiles, lizards, frogs, dingos, birds and mice. Most of them are endemic, that means they only live in Australia.

I would go to Australia because it´s an exciting country and there are much things I´ve never seen before. I think I would be impressed by the great nature there.

1 comment:

  1. Haha - she sure did tell you so. A very entertaining start to your blog entry!

    Overall, your text is very good on both a linguistic as well as an informational level - well done!

    just one thing:
    - there are MANY things I have never seen before not MUCH things (because you can count the things)


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