Sunday 15 September 2013


I´m going to tell you intersting facts about Australia today and why you should/shouldnt go there. First of all, Australia is a continent with 7 692 030km² which makes it the second smallest Continent on Earth and also smaller than Russia. There live about 22.68 mil people in Australia,which is nothing compared to the 150 mil. sheep on Australia. 

Most of the people think that Sydney is the capital city because it´s the biggest City but Canberra is the capital City, but both are in New South Wales. The currency is the Australian dollar.

The biggest Reef of the World is in North-East Australia, The Great Barrier Reef. There are a lot of different types of corals and algs in the Reef, but also many different fish and other animals like the blue ring octopus, who is one of the most poisunous animals in the World. There are also sharks and crocodiles, but for people who are scared of the sea,actually with the sharks you are in no danger besides you are a surfer, then sharks think you are seals so they will attack you but thats the only danger. You must be careful with crocodiles though. There are also other dangerous animals in australia lke the snakes or spiders, 21 of the 25 of the most dangerous spider species live here. Although only 25 of the 30.000 spider species are deadly.

There are also harmless Animals in Australia, like the Koala he spends 20 hours a Day sleeping! Then the Kangoroo is also very interesting because it can jump about 1.50 metres high and 9 metres far.

I think you should visit Australia,also just because there are a lot of sights in Sydney. But pay attention to snakes and spiders they can be dangerous if you dont pay attention.

Thank you for reading my post!


1 comment:

  1. Very good text - I particulalry like the part about sharks and surfers.

    Just a couple of things:
    - make sure to add apostrophes if you are using short forms (shouldn't)
    - "you are in no danger UNLESS you are a surfer"
    - poisonous


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