Thursday 12 September 2013

AUSTRALIA             robert pfaff 4c

Last year, my cousin went by plane to Australia. When he came back he told me some stuff about it, like the fact that it is called the fifth continent, or that he saw a lot of wild animals, like koalas, kangoroos... so im now gonna tell you a story why you should drive to Australia.
     First of all you should make a seightseeing-tour to see some famous buildings like the Sydney opera house, the Ayers Rock or the Great Barrier Reef where you will see a lot of colourful corals. 
     Then I would recommend you to make a Safari to see a lot of rare and awesome animals like the koala, the platypus, the kangoroo, the dingo, the sealion, and the desertdevil.
     I think you should know Australia is the smallest continent with 2.500.000 km² and in there live 28,5 million people so three people per km².
     Really important is that a lot of ressources like gold, silver, diamonds, stonecoal, iron and uranium found so 2002 where 55% of all exports where these ressources.
     I think thats why you should go to australia.

1 comment:

  1. Great post on Australia, Robert. I particularly liked how you included some extra information on the numerous ressources to be found in Australia. I also really liked your suggestions to have a look at both the landscape and the cities as they are certainly both worth seeing and very different from what we know from Europe.

    Super job!


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