Tuesday 24 September 2013


** (my Rating System)                                                      by Steven Herrick
In this book there is a boy, who is called Harry, and he tells the readers at first, about his cold town, where he lives with his father in a house, which is smeared in oil. One time, he gets into a fight and it ends with a bloody nose and a swollen lip, but the important thing for him was at this time, that he tried to defend the house. His house.
One day, a new girl comes into his class, it was Claire Honey. They become friends and they are sometimes at the big river to swim together.
Another day, he tries to cut a melon, but then the knife slips and cuts the fingers of his father.
At the end Wayne Barlow blabs Keith and Harry to Miss Spencer, so Harry is going to hate him forever.
This book was OK for me, but I think that I wouldn’t read a book like this, again, because these poems are confusing and sometimes I don’t understand the words or the whole story.
I think that this book is for people, who like poems. So read it, if you like poems!


  1. Somehow I got the desire to read the book after I read your review. :)


  2. Well done for sticking to all the instructions and for telling us who you would recommend this book to even though you might not read it (again) yourself.

    In my opinion, this is very helpful for people who are looking online for their next book to read.

    Good job!


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