Wednesday 25 September 2013

My book review (by the river)

Hello and Welcome to my book review!!
Today I’m going to tell you about a very interesting verse novel written by Steven Herrick.
 (my rating: #####)
The book tells the story of a boy or a young man, called Harry. First there is the story of him living in a small, old house in a little village with his father who refuses to restore the cottage, and then Harry shows us some of his memories which are like small packages, tiny little moments, which we are supposed to put together so that they make a life story.
I think this novel is very interesting to read because you really have to use your own imagination and Harry, the main character, is kind of intransparent and mysterious because he actually never talks about himself or how he feels, he just writes what he sees and what the others do.
I can really recommend this book not only to everyone who likes poems, but also to everyone who wants to train his/her English or who is thrilled to altercate a person and its background. Although I have to say the book is not easy to read, but I think it is a fascinating and very interesting challenge.


  1. your review makes me wanna to read the book :)


  2. even if you hate poems the colourfulness of this poem makes you want to read this (poem)book

  3. even if you hate poems the colourfulness of this poem makes you want to read this (poem)book

  4. Really good review. I would read this book. ;-)

  5. Top Job for sticking to the instructions so closely and as the previous comments already suggested, your review really makes you want to read this book. You have also used some great vocabulary in there and I think it is an extremely interesting observation that Harry never actually talks about his own feeling.

    TOP JOB!!


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