Wednesday 25 September 2013


Sascha Obermayer 4.C


This book by Steven Herrick is a book with lot of peoms. But the most peoms don't rhyme. One peom is about a boy who called Harry. Harry is the main character in the story. The story is about a boy who had a girlfriend but she died when Harry swam with her. So he was sad. Later in the poem a new girl arrived to school. Her name was Claire. At first nobody wanted to tell with her only Harry. They fell in love later. One day Claire and Harry went to the river where Linda (Harrys old girlfriend) died. They swam a long time.......

I think the story isn't interesting because nothing happend. You can read it when you want but you must know it give better books.

1 comment:

  1. Well done for sticking to the instructions so well (title, author, summary, own opinion). Just a couple of little things:
    - A lot of pOEms
    - nobody wanted to TALK to her (to tell sb. sth. means "erzählen" to talk to/with sb. is "mit jmd. sprechen".
    - there are better books

    Otherwise a good job!! Well done!


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