Sunday 22 September 2013

The colour poem
was the rocket
that brought neil in the infinite space
to the moon
and back to earth

was the earth 
that he stared at
and the colour
of the life of neil

 was the rest of earth
and also his hope to come back
and the hope to see all his friends again

is the colour of the ground he took off
and the ground he will be standing when he lands back on it

is the evil
who could messup their whole plan   
and also the parchute 
  that will save their live

is the infinite space
and the place between him and earth
the end of life


  1. Your poem is great! I thought you would write about this stuff. :)

  2. Awesome choice of topic for your colour poem!
    Makes me want to travel to space straight away.

    Just two, three tiny things:
    - make sure to spell names with capital letters.
    - the ground he will be standing ON when he lands back on it
    - to mess up (a space between mess and up)

    A wonderful idea and a super text.
    Well done!


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