Saturday 14 September 2013


Australia is a big country with  7.692.024 km2, actually there are living 22.485.300 people. So there are living 2.9 people per km2. Australia has got 7 states, they are called Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. In Australia you have got different climates, it is often hot and without rain.
     Now i am going to tell you why you should visit australia. Australia has so many beautiful things to see, it has got animals like the kangaroo or the koala or the desertdevil. If you want to see this animals you should make a safari. Then you can watch the Opera House in Sydney, or the famous Ayers Rock also called Uluru. Many people wants to see the Uluru when the sun goes down, because it changes his colour to deep red. If you like beaches, then you must see the 22 km2 long beach in broome, also pretty is the
Great barrier reef where you can see many coulourful corals. I hope now you know why you should visit Australia.
Beim Sonnenuntergang zeigt sich der Uluṟu („Ayers Rock“) hellrot.



1 comment:

  1. Very good job and great choice of pictures!

    - many people want (not wantS)
    - the Uluru changes ITS colour

    Well done!


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