Wednesday 25 September 2013

Another colour poem

Black is the colour of my best liked t-shirt.

Yellow is the sunshine shining on the earth.

Orange ist the colour of my favourite fruit, the mango.

Red ist the colour my face turns into when I was too long in the Yellow.

Green is the colour of hopeness.

Brown is the colour of earth, you need to live on.

Blue is the colour of the sky when you look at it or the colour of the water you need to live.

Purple is the colour of something I really don´t like.

White is the colour made of all colours. Together they make white and a good poem.


Sascha Obermayer 4.C


This book by Steven Herrick is a book with lot of peoms. But the most peoms don't rhyme. One peom is about a boy who called Harry. Harry is the main character in the story. The story is about a boy who had a girlfriend but she died when Harry swam with her. So he was sad. Later in the poem a new girl arrived to school. Her name was Claire. At first nobody wanted to tell with her only Harry. They fell in love later. One day Claire and Harry went to the river where Linda (Harrys old girlfriend) died. They swam a long time.......

I think the story isn't interesting because nothing happend. You can read it when you want but you must know it give better books.

By the river-Bookreport

By the river

                                                                                                                                      by Steven Herrick

Is book which is made of peoms. The main caracter is a boy called Harry. The book is telling us many feelings of the characters. Henrys Family has got a house, his father gave him oil. With this oil Henry should paint the oil on the old house. But later the house was smelling terrible, because the oil didn`t smell good. So the people made jokes about it and they spit on the house. Then a new girl called Claire came in to the class, he liked her. The whole story is at the first view not logical but many poems aren´t logical at the first view. I think if you want to understand the story you need to feel in the characters.

I think the book is very interesting. But not for all people, if you like books with many emotions and if you like poems, you should read it.
  My Rating

My book review (by the river)

Hello and Welcome to my book review!!
Today I’m going to tell you about a very interesting verse novel written by Steven Herrick.
 (my rating: #####)
The book tells the story of a boy or a young man, called Harry. First there is the story of him living in a small, old house in a little village with his father who refuses to restore the cottage, and then Harry shows us some of his memories which are like small packages, tiny little moments, which we are supposed to put together so that they make a life story.
I think this novel is very interesting to read because you really have to use your own imagination and Harry, the main character, is kind of intransparent and mysterious because he actually never talks about himself or how he feels, he just writes what he sees and what the others do.
I can really recommend this book not only to everyone who likes poems, but also to everyone who wants to train his/her English or who is thrilled to altercate a person and its background. Although I have to say the book is not easy to read, but I think it is a fascinating and very interesting challenge.


By the river by Steven Herrick  ***/*****

This is a story about a boy called Harry. He had a girlfriend. Her name was Linda. They liked each other and they had a great time. One day they went swimming. Linda jumped into the water and suddenly she drowned. Linda was dead.

Harry was very sad because he lost his girlfriend but then a new girl arrived in his class. Her name was Claire. They made friends soon and after a while Harry had a new girlfriend. He forgot Linda.

On a sunny day they went swimming. It was the same place where Linda died. Claire didn't know it so she was happy. She jumped in the water. In this moment Harry didn't think about Linda's death. He jumped in the water and was very happy with his new girlfriend Claire, too.

I think it could be a true story. It is a very simple one but the story wants to tell us something. "Look at the future! It is important."

By The River by Steven Herrick

Hello everybody,
today I want to recomment a book which is made of poems. This book call "By The River". I think that it's really good to read and so I give it five big stars.

This book is about a young adult call Henry and he remember his childhood.
 There he lived in a mean, little and shabby house and he didn't want to live like that anymore. So he learnt how to cut a watermelon from his father.
After that, a new girl called Claire came into his class and he liked her very much.
Then some other old memories came and in the last memory his mum died.

I think you shouldn't read this book, if you are very emotional. Then you would cry after reading.
But besides that this book is a very great one.
I think if you like poems you should really read this book. It's great, but often also not logical and often confusing.

My book review

By the river

by Steven Herrick

Today I’d like to tell you something about the book “By the river“. The book is about a boy called Harry. I think that he’s the person who tells us the story. At first he talks about his house, that isn’t really nice and his dad who doesn’t want to decorate it. And then there are some parts of his life that aren’t longer than three minutes. Together the parts produce a story.


I think that this book is very interesting but also difficult to read. It’s not logical all the time but I like it. I didn’t understand everything but I understood the important things. If you like poems than you should read it.

My rating:JJJJ
Sophie Liebert

Tuesday 24 September 2013

My Book Review

Rating: ***** 

By the River
by Steven Herrick

Hey, now here I am going to introduce to you the book " BY THE RIVER " by Steven Herrick.

First of all there was a father in a hospital. He couldn't believe it, that his friend slipped on a banana and broke his nuts. Impossible, he said but his friend showed him the converse.  He took a patch of daisies, but he wasn't alone. No, there was me, Uncle Filps, Mum, Dad and the always drunk aunty Nancy. 
Someone, sometimes he had the thought that it would happen to him. Just the thought about it, made him weak. His mood changes were like a storm season. Sometimes he screams and sometimes he shouts.
But everything changed when the hot doctor came in and greeted him. His eyes only focused on her face and they talked and laughed.
Two years later, Harry was born.....

When you read the text below you are probably going to like this book - I'm not showing off!!!!

I think this book is so awesome that I can't even explain how awesome it is :) 
Even if you haven't dealt with same problem before, like the guy who broke his nuts, the book makes it really easy to understand what the characters are going through. I was able to compassion a little bit. ^.^
Whenever I started to read the verse novel, I got so drawn into the book that I could create intensive movies in my head of what was going on and what each of the characters was doing or thinking about. I never got bored, I felt as if I was sitting there with the characters, so smooth was the flow of the poem. If you are ready for an emotional roller coaster (and it does not get you down too much) than read this verse novel. You wouldn't regret it!!


Written by Luzhen Gong


** (my Rating System)                                                      by Steven Herrick
In this book there is a boy, who is called Harry, and he tells the readers at first, about his cold town, where he lives with his father in a house, which is smeared in oil. One time, he gets into a fight and it ends with a bloody nose and a swollen lip, but the important thing for him was at this time, that he tried to defend the house. His house.
One day, a new girl comes into his class, it was Claire Honey. They become friends and they are sometimes at the big river to swim together.
Another day, he tries to cut a melon, but then the knife slips and cuts the fingers of his father.
At the end Wayne Barlow blabs Keith and Harry to Miss Spencer, so Harry is going to hate him forever.
This book was OK for me, but I think that I wouldn’t read a book like this, again, because these poems are confusing and sometimes I don’t understand the words or the whole story.
I think that this book is for people, who like poems. So read it, if you like poems!

Monday 23 September 2013

Colours of my live

Is the colour of the shoes from which I dream of.
Is the colour of the paper before I draw.
Is the colour of the smelly cheese I love so much.
Is the colour of my Mum`s McGyver DVD Box.
Is the colour of Papa Smurf`s Porsche.
Is the colour of my family`s favourite soccer club.
Is the colour of my face, when I`ve been in the sun for too long.
Is the colour of my eyes and chocolate. Girls like both!
Is the colour of the most disgusting vegetable ever.
Is the only colour my Mum is allergic too.
                                                                                                                           Sascha Obermayer 4.C


is the colour which
you see in the darkness
or like batman

is a sheed of paper
or a white pen, a towel that's
white too

is the colour of the ocean
it is a colour that is beutiful
or raintrop

is the colour is see
when i'm lying in the grass
or a greenboard

is the colour by
flowers or wonderful birds
it is a a great colour

is the colour by the
sun, blood and the
 colour by foxs

Sunday 22 September 2013

My Poem


is the colour I see when I
look at my blood
is the colour which nobody
canread because it is so bright
was the colour my friend hairs
have that's why I call him
is the colour I like 
because it's the colour I can connect with
is the colour I love most
because it is the colour of 
the sky
is the colour i didn't find 
for my poem
that's why i have to take 
is the colour I can not see in
the darkness
The colour poem
was the rocket
that brought neil in the infinite space
to the moon
and back to earth

was the earth 
that he stared at
and the colour
of the life of neil

 was the rest of earth
and also his hope to come back
and the hope to see all his friends again

is the colour of the ground he took off
and the ground he will be standing when he lands back on it

is the evil
who could messup their whole plan   
and also the parchute 
  that will save their live

is the infinite space
and the place between him and earth
the end of life

My Colours - Colours discribe our life

were the flowers 
which Max saw in the park
on a Sunday morning

were the trees
with their big leaves
in the beautiful forest

was the Sky
with his yellow disc
which Max saw every day
when he looked out of the window

was the ground
which turned slowly 
into black

Alive or dead?
Max died of his own sadness
without friends and people who liked him

was the colour of the evil
Max was caught in it
He thought every day 
what went wrong in his life
but he never found it out

Saturday 21 September 2013

Life (my poem)


like the world

when you open your eyes

like the moon

when you’re born

like the grass

where you are lying

like your face

when you eat spinach

like your eyes

that I never forget how much I love you

like the sky

that you love so much

like your first school bag

that you are proud of

like the blood on your knees

 when you are falling down

like your studs

in your face

like the tears

 when I miss you

like your hair

when you came to me asking for help

like the bed

where you sleep now again

like your new house

where you live for the rest of your life

like your beautiful hair

without any colour

like the end of the live

and the end of my words

Friday 20 September 2013

The Color Poem by Luzhen Gong

Colors of a story

Was the blood
with its dark red color
that flowed down to the leg.
Who was so shy
that his shyness transformed into anger
when people spoke to him.
was his favorite color.
He loved it so much,
bright and stabbing
was his favorite color
that he wanted on his #27 jersey,
but it never happened.
He tried it again and again.
However, he never succeeded in.
was his defeat.
The thought in mind that the number # 27 will always remain a dream,
made him depressed.
The anger, it grew throughout his body
as the same time he was ripped off by classmates
no, not the classmates are stupid as he always meant it
he was himself stupid
the mourning color in Asian cultures
Whenever he went home
hung him the fury of his classmates
still in the head
and he could not concentrate on school.
Appears simultaneously he was slain by his parents
because he was not paying attention in school.
And scared to go home, he was a fool
with the big boys, breakin all the rules.
He shed tears with my baby sister
its new color, which makes him strong.
He forgot the part about his dream, his jersey number
and that he is a stupid classmate of his sold
No the school is his new target
He realized his future
his parents started to support him.
Loner, far and wide no brothers there
But maybe his dream is indeed really true.
And he can buy mum a house at last
With the money that he earned

Written by Luzhen_4B_2013

My Color Poem

                                                            Is the color of my favourite book,
                                                                        I read it five times.
                                                           Is my favourite english dictionary,
                                                              where I can learn new words.

                                                            is the color of the beautiful sky,
                                                                where i look up every day.

                                                                    is my favourite color,
                                                                 because all I like is green. 

                                                                  Is the last name of Chris,
                                                                     who is a famous star. 

                                                          Is the color I cant write on this blog,
                                                            because the background is white.



Wednesday 18 September 2013

About Australia

Australia is an island which is 7.692.024 km big and has an popolation of 23 million of people.
The capital city of Australia is Canberra but many people think its Sydney maybe because the olympic summer games were there 2000. 
Canberra and Sydney are on the New South Wales.
In Australia there are many desert in which many animals are like snakes maybe kangaroo.
On the Ocean or in the Sea there are also many animals like the blue ring octopus ,sharks and crocodiles .
This island has a lot of popular sights like The Great Barrier Reef,Sydney Opera House. The Ayers Rock which is also called as Uluru ,which is very holy for the original inhabitant which is are also called as aborigine.
Another sights are also #1 Melbourne Museum ,#2  Australian Zoo,#3 Melbourne Aquarium or #4 Sydney Harbour Bridge which is one of the most popular sights.

I would like to live Australia because the are very fine beaches and the weather is the way I like it.

But I would not go because I am afraid that animals would bite me......
Some Pictures :)