Sunday 19 January 2014

PínkStinks by Sophie Liebert

Sophie Liebert

Hello everybody!!! Today I’d like to tell you something about the organisation “PinkStinks” and the prejudices of the “girly colour pink”.

 What does “PinkStinks"?

The organisation would like to tell the people that not all women wear pink like scientists, sportswomen and other successful women. Or if girls wear not only pink they aren’t tomboys. They are just girls who don’t like pink so much.
It begins when kids are born, the boys rooms are blue and the girls rooms are pink. Then the clothes, for baby-girls they are often pink. Also the toys are following a gender stereotyping from earliest childhood on.
Many girls are happy about this campaign because they don’t want to be pink girly girls but they want to decide for themselves what they wear and what they play.
These things are worse if the parents of kids are rich and have to give a good picture to the other rich peoples or families.

But why is pink the colour for girls or women?

Around 100 years ago pink was the colour for boys and blue the colour for girls. Pink was the stronger colour and blue was better for girls. So these prejudices began a long time ago, although the colours have changed their meaning. The problems and opinions won’t be better in the future, but PinkStinks tries to help the girls who don’t like pink and also like to make things like boys do.


1 comment:

  1. A very well organised and neatly structured text with intriguing arguments.

    Suggestions & corections:
    - what IS "PINKSTINKS"
    - the boys' rooms and the girls' rooms (don't forget the apostrophe)
    - people is already the plural of person (no s at the end)
    - please add a clear suggestion (closing remarks) at the end in your next text


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