Thursday 5 December 2013

Fair Trade-Meat

Hello guys,
today I'm going to tell you something about Fair Trade meat.

The most people in Europe eat meat every single day, but they don't even know how the animals feed and how they live.
The animals which are live Fair Trade, they live happy. They aren't just live in a small box and eat their food and when they are old enough they are going to be sleigh. In Austria more and more farmers are going to transform their production into Fair Trade-Production.

Our meat in Austria often come from other countries because there the meat is cheaper. But cheap meat also had his CON:
1. The meat often isn't healthy and on the package, there aren't any information about the origin.
2. The farmers which sell Fair Trade-meat didn't become enough money if the others "steal" their work capital=the shops didn't buy Fair Trade-meat anymore and the farmers has got a smashup.

But the buyer who buy expensive food with the "Ja!Natürlich", or other signs which guarantee that the meat is produce with Fair Trade, have their PROs:
1. The Fair Trade-meat is healthier.
2. The animals lived happy.


  1. great text! maybe you've got a fiew faults in it. ;-)

  2. good structure - interesting topic!

    suggestions for improvement:
    - most people in Europe (without THE)
    - I wouldn't necessarily refer to the meat as "fair trade" but rather as "organic" (which means so much as "bio" in German
    - Animals who end up as organic meat on our plates, lived a happy life.
    - they don't just live in small boxes, waiting to be SLAUGHTERED when they are old enough
    - our meat in Austria often comeS from other countries
    - cheap meat also HAS its con
    - there ISN'T any information about ITS origing
    - the farmers WHO sell ORGANIC meat don't GET enough money if others steal their jobs. If shops don't buy organic meat, farmers have to close down their farms/declare bankruptcy.
    - the consumer (rather than buyer)
    - labels that guarantee an organis meat production

    please include a clear suggestion in your next text and PLEASE PRACTICE YOUR 3rd person s


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