Sunday 1 December 2013


                                                                                by Nikolaj Tessar, Luzhen Gong, Christoph Strauss


Definition: Racism is discrimination of other humans with different looks or cultural backgrounds.

Racism in Austria:
  • In Austria not all people are aware that they are being racist. 
  • Racism excists everywhere in Austria 
  • For example: In 2011 a woman with black skin wanted to make a bank account but an accounted said: "People like you can not have an account here!"  This person tried it at an other bank and the response of the bank guy was: "What's your real job ?"
          Source: Zara 2011
Racism in school:
  • How do you know if someone is racist? Sometimes it can be hard to recognise racism, especially if you're not the target.
  • Examples:  
  1. Making fun of someones clothes, food or physical appearance of people from different cultures. 
  2. Telling jokes directed against people from particular groups.
  3. Telling people to 'go back where they came from'
 Online racism:
  • Online racism is a form which is spread by single people(sometimes more).
  1. For example: When somebody gets violent, then people post untruth facts about that person on facebook, twitter, flickr, my space, instagram, whats app,,, QQ, skype, etc.
Possible solutions against racism:
  •  Everyone does his/her own stuff in their own life.
  1. How can the problem racism be fought?
  2. How can students be educated so they can join the right groups?
  3. How can a resource teacher solve the problem of racism in school?
  4. How are foreign students with xenophobia faced off? 
Thank you for reading our work about racism. I hope that we could open you a door in your mind and make you think about it.


  1. You've written a really great text!
    It really makes somebody to think about racism in their life.

  2. Great text!
    Good structure!

  3. Well researched and great arguments, however I would ask you to use full sentences in a flowing text, rather than bullet points next time.

    I appreciate how you cover various types of racism - it makes the reader aware of its presence everywhere. Well done!


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