Monday 20 January 2014

About "PinkStinks" and How to be a "proper" girl

“PinkStinks” and How to be a “proper“ girl
Hi and welcome to my latest blog entry! I am writing about how the society forces young girls into a role they maybe don’t want to play. Most of the people think that girls have to wear pink and red clothes, play with dolls and dream about pink unicorns or dresses. If a girl says that she likes to play football or wears a lot of blue the people just think “how strange”. They have so many prejudices that no matter what you do, everything is wrong except the “pink variant”.
I personally think everybody, boy or girl, should be free to choose what they want to wear, play with, watch, read or what kind of sports they want to do on their own. Because actually when you aren’t free to pick, then who are you? Someone who has been created from the society, the people around you, maybe also your parents.
There is an organisation which is fighting against the so called “pinkification”. It’s called “PinkStinks” and it helps girls being different from the typical girly-picture created by society and media.

I think it is great what the people from “PinkStinks” already have effected and still produce. Thanks very much for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Well done! I couldn't agree more with what you wrote in your blogpost.

    Just a couple of comments:
    - society forces young girls INTO a role
    - I would rather say "what the people from "PinkStinks" have already achieved


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