Sunday 26 January 2014

Welcome to "Boston, a great city"

By Martina Markunovic


The history of America

I am going to tell you something about the reasons of the foundation of the United States of America. Everything started in Boston, the biggest city in the state of Massachusetts.

The Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre

Boston was, as America was a british colony, an important shipping town.
Since 1768, british soldiers had been stationed in Boston to safeguard and to promote colonial officials, who tried to execute unpopular parliamentary legislations
Two years later, on 5th March 1770, british soldiers killed five American men and hurted six further.

The Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party

On 16th December 1773, members of “The Sons of Liberty“, an organization of American patriots, were dressed up as American Indians and went on to the british ship, which came to the Boston harbor. They threw 352 boxes of tea into the sea to ruin the “holy“ tea.
But the british government reacted hard and this protest led to the revolution of America.

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1 comment:

  1. A very interesting blogpost and a nice layout - well done!
    Just a couple of things:
    - "As America was a British colony, Boston was an important shipping town."
    - British with a capital "b"
    - the British government reacted harshly


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