Monday 20 January 2014

The power of pink

Hey guys I'm going to tell you about
the colour pink and what it meant in
20th century.


In the start of the 20th century the color pink was more suitable for boys, because it is a more decided and stronger colour, while blue is more delicate so it is more suitable for girls. Before the newspaper Sunday Sentinel said the same thing to use "pink for boys and blue for girls".1927 was a very disappointing birth of princess Astrid of Belgium who was decorated in pink. When you look at stuff for girls now everything is pink. Abi Moore said that there has been a complete pinkification for everything that's for girls.

The anti pink campaign

It was started in 2012 by Abi Moore and her twin sister Emma. It started out with offering girls whom were shown alternate role models (f.e. scientists). The actual reason why the campaign was made, was to stop the gender stereotyping. A lot of girls like the campaign, because they don't want to be forced to like pink and don't want to be girly girls. They say that they brought up something very powerful seeing that in the 19th century all people where dressed alike. the colour code didn't start until the end of second world war. 

Against Pink

People tried to make anti-sexist stuff for girls but that sadly didn't work. Lots of people say that the colour pink also caused a financial boom which is one of the main reasons why people won't let go of pink.

My opinion

I think that pink isn't such a bad colour I mean it is girly but still I think that girls shouldn't have too be forced to like pink.


I think a good solution would be to make for example an blue "Barbie doll" or pink "Transformers".

1 comment:

  1. Well done! I like your suggestion to mix up the colour scheme a little bit in order to offer a wider choice to both boys and girls.
    Language-wise there are a couple of things I'd like to mention:
    - in THE 20th century
    - I'd rather say "in the BEGINNING of the 20th century" than "at the start"
    - when talking about an article and a historic opinion that you don't necessarily agree with, use hedging: "the colour WAS REGARDED as more suitable for boys" or "it was seen/perceived as a stronger colour", people associated blue with girls etc.
    - 1927 was a very disappointing birth of princess Astrid of Belgium who was decorated in pink - WHO WAS DECORATED IN PINK? princess Astrid? Have another look at the sentence structure, it is not quite clear what you mean with this sentence
    - ALTERNATIVE role models (to alternate means "changing")
    - until the end of THE second world war OR until the end of WWII
    - girls shouldn't BE FORCED TO like pink


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