Saturday 25 January 2014

Fact's about Boston and Salem

Today I'm going to tell you some interesting things about Boston and his environment.

Salem Witch Trials

The witch trial's of Salem started in 1692. There were some girls who began to behave strange. Their parent's were worried and so they called the doctor. The doctor couldn't find anything weird, so he told their parent's that the two girls were "bewitched".
During that time the people were absolutly superstitious. So they keeped a safe distance from that family. After that, another girls began to do the same thing like the other two "bewitched" girls. The people were really worried and they got in prison. The other girls said a few names and so the police thought that the person's with the names which the girls said were also "bewitched". So after few month's, there were 20 people who were killed because they are witches, another 55 people were tortured to tell the judges a lie, 150 were arrested because they are supposed to be witches and 200 other were accused to be witches.
In Salem now, there is a museum about the witch trial's in 1692.

Boston Tea Party

The Boston Tea Party was the height of the fight's of the 13 colonies of North America and Great Britain. The Britain's had many debt's and so they needed an idea how to get money. So they inserted the custom's for the import of things. The people who lived in Boston that time were very unhappy about that new rule, so they made revolt, dressed up as Indians, entered the ship and threw 45 tons of tea in the ocean. The people which did that were really polite. They excused for that after the revolt for throwing the tea over board. Nobody was hurted during that act of rebellion.

I hope you got a good insight after reading my report.


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