Sunday 26 January 2014

The Boston Tea Party

Hi guys I'm going to tell you about The Boston
Tea Party and The Boston Massacre


"The Boston Massacre"

in the 18th century, while America was still just an english colony, Boston was a very important port for the british people. In the year 1770, two years after the great demonstration against the taxes which the brits wanted from the Americans, five american people were killed in front of the old state house.

"The Boston Tea Party"

On the 16th December of the year 1773 british ships with tea came into the Boston harbor and three groups of rebels who were called "The Sons of Liberty" came on board dressed as native american men and threw tea (in the worth of 1.000000 US$) into the Boston harbor.

So guys I hope you enjoyed this and hopefuly you've learned something.


  1. You and your "...important port.." :-D

  2. Well done!
    Just a couple of things:
    - capital letters for words such as "British", "American"
    - threw tea (worth 1.000.000 $)


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