Monday 20 January 2014



It wasn´t always such a big problem. But now it is, in the last year it got so big, that pupils aren´t possible to defend against it. 
   In the 1800´s children whether girl or boy, were wearing the same things in the same colours. But then boys started to like reddish colours. Red is a strong colour, and pink the related reddish colour . So pink was from now on the boys colour, and blue the girls one. But after the second world war, the situation changed. Females began to like the reddish colurs more than others, so blue was now the boys colour and pink the girls colour.
   Now we are in the 20th century, and the things hadn´t changed yet. So girls are forced to wear, use and like pink stuff. In a childrens life, parents have to decide most of the ``important`` deciscions. But some decicions, like the favourite colours, needs to be decided from the child itself. And it´s terrible that girls or boys, which doesn´t like the predetermined colours aren´t normal in the other pupils eyes. In the history the colours changed their gender, why shouldn´t there be a chance that it happens again. Some famous male models, could wear pink things. And then every newspaper on earth would write articles with titles like: ``Pink?, the new men colour`` or `` Has it changed again``. I think the world takes it to crass with these colours. Isn´t the favourite colour the same question like which toilet paper should i use. The people on earth, should be free to decide their favourite colour on their own. And if they decide that yellow, green, brown or another colour is their favourite colour they still should be the same sex, or still normal in their head.


1 comment:

  1. Well done! I absolutely agree with you that everybody should be free to choose their own favourite colour without any restrictions from society.
    Just a couple of things regarding grammar & writing:
    - in the last yearS (rather than year - it took a longer period of time)
    - it wasn't necessarily the boys that started to like reddish colours, it's rather society that chose these colours for them (like it does now for girls) but you are completely right to say that the colour coding we now associate with girls and boys has not always been this way. Well done for pointing this our in your post!
    - the BOYS'/GIRLS' colour (don't forget apostrophes to signal the genitive)
    - COLOURS (or colors - if you choose AmE) but not colurs
    - the things haven't changed yet (it has got an effect on the present moment)
    - in a CHILD'S life
    - parents have to MAKE the most important DECISIONS
    - some things need to be decided BY the child him/herself or by the children themselves
    - boys and girls WHO don't like
    - in the other pupils' eyes
    - I'd rather say: I think people take the colour-coding too seriously


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