Sunday 26 January 2014

Welcome to "Boston, a great city"

By Martina Markunovic


The history of America

I am going to tell you something about the reasons of the foundation of the United States of America. Everything started in Boston, the biggest city in the state of Massachusetts.

The Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre

Boston was, as America was a british colony, an important shipping town.
Since 1768, british soldiers had been stationed in Boston to safeguard and to promote colonial officials, who tried to execute unpopular parliamentary legislations
Two years later, on 5th March 1770, british soldiers killed five American men and hurted six further.

The Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party

On 16th December 1773, members of “The Sons of Liberty“, an organization of American patriots, were dressed up as American Indians and went on to the british ship, which came to the Boston harbor. They threw 352 boxes of tea into the sea to ruin the “holy“ tea.
But the british government reacted hard and this protest led to the revolution of America.

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The Boston Tea Party

Hi guys I'm going to tell you about The Boston
Tea Party and The Boston Massacre


"The Boston Massacre"

in the 18th century, while America was still just an english colony, Boston was a very important port for the british people. In the year 1770, two years after the great demonstration against the taxes which the brits wanted from the Americans, five american people were killed in front of the old state house.

"The Boston Tea Party"

On the 16th December of the year 1773 british ships with tea came into the Boston harbor and three groups of rebels who were called "The Sons of Liberty" came on board dressed as native american men and threw tea (in the worth of 1.000000 US$) into the Boston harbor.

So guys I hope you enjoyed this and hopefuly you've learned something.

The Boston Tea Party

Hello everybody! Today our issue is the Boston tea party and I hope that you’re interested in it!!!


Why did it happen??

In the 1700s Boston was a part of the British colony and an important port. 1770 the Boston massacre took place and 5 American men died. The people in Boston were really unhappy because of the British authority. In the night of the 16TH December 1773 groups like “The Sons of Liberty” went to the harbour. There were British ships loaded with tea. The groups sailed with the ships on the high sea and threw the tea boxes into the ocean. Afterwards the British government closed the Boston harbour. This the beginning of the American revolution.

Saturday 25 January 2014

Fact's about Boston and Salem

Today I'm going to tell you some interesting things about Boston and his environment.

Salem Witch Trials

The witch trial's of Salem started in 1692. There were some girls who began to behave strange. Their parent's were worried and so they called the doctor. The doctor couldn't find anything weird, so he told their parent's that the two girls were "bewitched".
During that time the people were absolutly superstitious. So they keeped a safe distance from that family. After that, another girls began to do the same thing like the other two "bewitched" girls. The people were really worried and they got in prison. The other girls said a few names and so the police thought that the person's with the names which the girls said were also "bewitched". So after few month's, there were 20 people who were killed because they are witches, another 55 people were tortured to tell the judges a lie, 150 were arrested because they are supposed to be witches and 200 other were accused to be witches.
In Salem now, there is a museum about the witch trial's in 1692.

Boston Tea Party

The Boston Tea Party was the height of the fight's of the 13 colonies of North America and Great Britain. The Britain's had many debt's and so they needed an idea how to get money. So they inserted the custom's for the import of things. The people who lived in Boston that time were very unhappy about that new rule, so they made revolt, dressed up as Indians, entered the ship and threw 45 tons of tea in the ocean. The people which did that were really polite. They excused for that after the revolt for throwing the tea over board. Nobody was hurted during that act of rebellion.

I hope you got a good insight after reading my report.


Monday 20 January 2014

About "PinkStinks" and How to be a "proper" girl

“PinkStinks” and How to be a “proper“ girl
Hi and welcome to my latest blog entry! I am writing about how the society forces young girls into a role they maybe don’t want to play. Most of the people think that girls have to wear pink and red clothes, play with dolls and dream about pink unicorns or dresses. If a girl says that she likes to play football or wears a lot of blue the people just think “how strange”. They have so many prejudices that no matter what you do, everything is wrong except the “pink variant”.
I personally think everybody, boy or girl, should be free to choose what they want to wear, play with, watch, read or what kind of sports they want to do on their own. Because actually when you aren’t free to pick, then who are you? Someone who has been created from the society, the people around you, maybe also your parents.
There is an organisation which is fighting against the so called “pinkification”. It’s called “PinkStinks” and it helps girls being different from the typical girly-picture created by society and media.

I think it is great what the people from “PinkStinks” already have effected and still produce. Thanks very much for reading.

The power of pink

Hey guys I'm going to tell you about
the colour pink and what it meant in
20th century.


In the start of the 20th century the color pink was more suitable for boys, because it is a more decided and stronger colour, while blue is more delicate so it is more suitable for girls. Before the newspaper Sunday Sentinel said the same thing to use "pink for boys and blue for girls".1927 was a very disappointing birth of princess Astrid of Belgium who was decorated in pink. When you look at stuff for girls now everything is pink. Abi Moore said that there has been a complete pinkification for everything that's for girls.

The anti pink campaign

It was started in 2012 by Abi Moore and her twin sister Emma. It started out with offering girls whom were shown alternate role models (f.e. scientists). The actual reason why the campaign was made, was to stop the gender stereotyping. A lot of girls like the campaign, because they don't want to be forced to like pink and don't want to be girly girls. They say that they brought up something very powerful seeing that in the 19th century all people where dressed alike. the colour code didn't start until the end of second world war. 

Against Pink

People tried to make anti-sexist stuff for girls but that sadly didn't work. Lots of people say that the colour pink also caused a financial boom which is one of the main reasons why people won't let go of pink.

My opinion

I think that pink isn't such a bad colour I mean it is girly but still I think that girls shouldn't have too be forced to like pink.


I think a good solution would be to make for example an blue "Barbie doll" or pink "Transformers".



It wasn´t always such a big problem. But now it is, in the last year it got so big, that pupils aren´t possible to defend against it. 
   In the 1800´s children whether girl or boy, were wearing the same things in the same colours. But then boys started to like reddish colours. Red is a strong colour, and pink the related reddish colour . So pink was from now on the boys colour, and blue the girls one. But after the second world war, the situation changed. Females began to like the reddish colurs more than others, so blue was now the boys colour and pink the girls colour.
   Now we are in the 20th century, and the things hadn´t changed yet. So girls are forced to wear, use and like pink stuff. In a childrens life, parents have to decide most of the ``important`` deciscions. But some decicions, like the favourite colours, needs to be decided from the child itself. And it´s terrible that girls or boys, which doesn´t like the predetermined colours aren´t normal in the other pupils eyes. In the history the colours changed their gender, why shouldn´t there be a chance that it happens again. Some famous male models, could wear pink things. And then every newspaper on earth would write articles with titles like: ``Pink?, the new men colour`` or `` Has it changed again``. I think the world takes it to crass with these colours. Isn´t the favourite colour the same question like which toilet paper should i use. The people on earth, should be free to decide their favourite colour on their own. And if they decide that yellow, green, brown or another colour is their favourite colour they still should be the same sex, or still normal in their head.


The problem of pink

Hello guys,
today I'm gonna write something about Pinkification, how the girls get along with the wrong preconceptions, how some girls solve their problems and what is important for girl.

Pinkification, the main problem:

You go shopping. To your right you see the clothes of the boys: cars, blue, green, black and fire. To your left side you can see the stuff of the girls: pink, purple, princess and other "cute" clothes. If a girl went to a boys stuff, everybody would look at her and ask him-/herself, what wrong with that girl.
Pinkification begins at baby size, the clothes for boy are blue and for girls they are pink.


  1.  Every girl is trying to be the well-clothiest. --- That's wrong, a girl should wear and do things they like. If a girl want be the well-clothiest, let her, don't blaspheme, that will make her angry with you and that isn't good for her self-esteem.
  2.  Girls are perfect and they think that way. --- That's wrong, it seems to be so, but the most girls are self-critical. Nearly every of these self-critical girls think that they are ugly and they haven't got anything which is well-looking.
  3. Girls don't like anything that's not pink or purple. --- That's wrong, every girl is special and so their taste is diffrent. Ok., some girls like pink, but other girls like blue or green. Dark colour aren't only make for boys.


One girl, which I know, doesn't even care about pinkification. She thinks that everybody is special and no one can tell her what she should do and like. That also helps her self-esteem, if you look at her you will think at first that she's perfect because she don't care about her clothes. She only wear stuff which she likes and which are comfortable.

Another girl, dissemble herself in school. In school, she's the perfect girl, everybody likes her and they all think that she's perfect. But at home she writes diary and she tell her diary everything because she isn't sure about that what her classmates said to her. At home she's very shy and afraid of doing something.

To be a girl means that you can do every thing what you like to do, don't care about what others say and try to do something new.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Welcome to "Against Pink"

By Martina Markunovic

The power of pink

I am going to tell you something about the pinkification of little girls, the problems facing them and the claims put in by the campaign “PinkStinks“.
The pinkification of little girls
In 1800s, almost every kid wore the same clothes independent what gender they were. Boys and girls wore skirts, dresses until they were six. However, as time passed by, boys and girls were dressed differently and so the meanings of colours changed.
Before and during the great war, pink was the typical boys-colour, because pink was close to red, as strong and powerful as fire. In that case, blue was the respective girls-colour.
But after the 2nd world war, everything changed. Pink was the girls-colour, because during the evolution the femal began to like ruddy colours, like red and pink, more than other colours like blue. From that change on, blue was the boys-colour.
Pink Ribbon Logo
From some women’s campaigns like “The pink ribbon“, it is evident that pink has to be the favourite colour of every woman/girl. But not everybody likes that colour. After that alteration with pink, little girls, who want some toys, can only find pink “mutations“ of them. They don’t like pink (toys) and don’t want to be girly girls, who always wear everything in pink. But they want to play with “normal“ toys, of course, and wear colours like green, brown, black etc.
Which problems are girls facing today?
·         From their birth on they are associated with the colour pink
·         Often, girls can’t do anything against that “pinkification“ in our community - they don’t have any choice in buying toys or clothes
·         They are called „Tomboys“, when they don’t like pink
What does the campaign “PinkStinks“ claim?
·         Girls can say their own opinion about the “pinkification“ issue
·         They can say, that they don’t like pink and that they don’t want to be a girly girl or a tomboy – simply a normal girl
·         They have a choice between girly toys/clothes and “normal“ toys/clothes
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PĂ­nkStinks by Sophie Liebert

Sophie Liebert

Hello everybody!!! Today I’d like to tell you something about the organisation “PinkStinks” and the prejudices of the “girly colour pink”.

 What does “PinkStinks"?

The organisation would like to tell the people that not all women wear pink like scientists, sportswomen and other successful women. Or if girls wear not only pink they aren’t tomboys. They are just girls who don’t like pink so much.
It begins when kids are born, the boys rooms are blue and the girls rooms are pink. Then the clothes, for baby-girls they are often pink. Also the toys are following a gender stereotyping from earliest childhood on.
Many girls are happy about this campaign because they don’t want to be pink girly girls but they want to decide for themselves what they wear and what they play.
These things are worse if the parents of kids are rich and have to give a good picture to the other rich peoples or families.

But why is pink the colour for girls or women?

Around 100 years ago pink was the colour for boys and blue the colour for girls. Pink was the stronger colour and blue was better for girls. So these prejudices began a long time ago, although the colours have changed their meaning. The problems and opinions won’t be better in the future, but PinkStinks tries to help the girls who don’t like pink and also like to make things like boys do.