Friday 14 February 2014

Welcome to "(Steve) Jobs"

By Martina Markunović
What’s more important?

I am going to tell you something about the important things for choosing your perfect job. That means some advices for your job interviews and the answer to the question “What’s more important, job satisfication or the big salary?“

The job interview

·         First of all, don’t forget: You are perfect the way you are, so don’t adjust!

·         Be yourself at the interview to show your future boss that you are perfect for the job, but don’t talk too much about yourself!

·         Be polite and don’t come late!

·         Take time to prepare some answers to possible questions.

·         Answer the questions as honest as possible.

·         Don’t overexplain why you lost your old job.

·         Calm down! Nothing bad is going to happen.

So try to show your best side to convince your future boss!

Have a look at these pictures.

What’s more important - job satisfication or the big salary?
Success is important, but do you want to work for a company you don't like until you are retired? Money plays a major role, but it isn’t always good to look only at that. Job satisfication is important, too, but don’t do something without getting any compensation. There are some important points for the question “What’s more important?“:
·         You should choose a job, which you like and not only look at the money you can get there. If you don’t like your job, then it’s really hard to be successful there. You should choose a job, where you think that you like to work there until you are in guesthouse.
·         When you like to survive in this global economic crisis with a high unemployment rate then you should first of all, go to a college and then go to an university to get the specialization for your favourite department and to have simultaneously the perfect prerequisite for your future jobs. With these steps, you will be successful and you will get enough money.

·         Money is important, particularly in this century with lots of possibilities to spend it and to afford a high standard of living. But you don’t have to be exhausted and only work like a workaholic for money until you forget which things are important in your life and which not. Your health, your family and your happiness are the most important things in your life. Never forget that!

I hope, that you’ve learned something out of my blogpost!
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