Tuesday 18 February 2014

Money vs. Happines Sophie Liebert

Hey guys! This little article is about money vs. happiness and the problem with money in the show business.


Money, Money, Money!


The question much money or happiness is for many people a very important issue. If you like to have money you have to work from 7 a.m. till eight or nine o’clock in the evening. There is no time for family or friends. But some human beings are happy if they’ve got their money, a beautiful house, luxury... Most people aren’t happy. They feel alone and drink or take drugs. This often happens in the show business.


I’m Happy!


People who don’t think that money is so important have got a job which they like. They are happy with their work and have enough money to life a good live. A big house or luxury isn’t important for them. They’ve got a family, friends and fun to live. At these jobs you’ve got a balance between money and your work.


The Show business


If you’re successful in the show business most people think that you can live a good and comfortable life. There are some musicians or actors and actresses, who can say this but most of them can’t trust the success, the fans...  Some of them die early because of the situation.


I hope that this text gives you a little overview about the problem “money”. Please write a comment about the way you would choose.



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