Monday 24 February 2014

Chief Gift Inspector

South Pole

The South pole needs new Chief Gift Inspector since the last ones retired.
To be considered as a candidat for the job, you have to have atleast 1-2 years of detective work experience.If you are scared of cold, have a xenophobia or are scared of elves, then this isn´t the job for you and you should stop reading now.(You shouldn´t be superstitious either )
One problem is that you have to be here at Christmas.The main thing you have to do is inspecting gifts, so thats the easy part. You should have knowledge of smuggling and how to figure out if somebody is doing it and/or how to prevent it. It is strongly recommended to have good eyes so you´re able to make it out if somebody is trying to smuggle or harm somebody with the gift.

For more info:

either: call (314)9576-95833

or send an email to the adress:

Application Deadline:1.December 2014

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