Monday 17 February 2014

Money or Statisfaction/Clues for a good job interview

What's more important?

For me

For me personally, the statisfaction (of course) is more important, I think, because the main sense of life is being happy. I would never do a job which I don't enjoy to do. If I would do that, I'll freak out until the first day begin. Sometimes you wouldn't have a choice, but if somebody let me choose between money and statisfaction, I would definitly choose statisfaction.

For girls

I think, that statisfaction is more important for girls, because the most girls I know, wouldn't do a job which they don't enjoy/like. That's the priority one for a girl.

For boys

I can't judge that very well, because I'm not a boy, but after our discussion in class, I think, the plurality of boys are a better friend with the money than statisfaction.

Clues for your first job interview:

Before the interview:

  • Talk to somebody who works there.
  • Think about reason's why you want to work there.
  • Think about your personality. 

On the day of the interview:

  • Don't be nervous. This will only make you tensed up.
  • Be sure, that you sleep well in the night before the interview.
  • Dress decent.

During the interview:

  • Smile.
  • Take time and think before you answer the question.
  • Don't obstruct yourself. When you're in, the employer would think, where is the person I spoke to during the interview.

I think this should be enough informations and clues how to have a good interview. Well, I hope you enjoyed the reading of my blog post.

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