Tuesday 18 February 2014

Jobs-satisfaction or money-which is more important?

Jobs-satisfaction or money-which is me important?
Many young people at the beginning of their career ask themselves what is more important-money or satisfaction. There are many different and interesting arguments. Some think that money is more important because with money you can buy food, good clothes and medicine. But there are also some which think that satisfaction is way more important because happy people don’t get ill so easy.
I personally think that both, money and satisfaction are important, because if you don’t have enough money to feed yourself and your family than your job can be the most satisfying thing in the world, you can’t survive with it. But if you earn a lot of money but aren’t happy with your job, if it bores you or you are very stressed then the much money can’t help you because actually there are at least a few thing you can’t buy: happiness, inner peace and satisfaction.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it!

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