Monday 17 February 2014

Job Satisfaction vs a Big Paycheck

Whats better Job Satisfaction or a lot of money?

It is the best thing for you to have both, because if you have a lot of money you can buy everything but your starting to get really unhappy with your live when you have to work all day long. But if you have fun with your job but almost no money then you're sad, because you can't buy aything. I think that you have to find the perfect balance between Job Satisfaction and a lot of Money that is the recepie for happiness in your live.

For me personally I'd prefer a lot of money if I'd have to choose, because I would rather like to buy stuff in my life than always having to save money for like a new pair of Jordans.
But I can understand the people who like to have more fun in their Job than having to work all day, but is it wrong when you're happy with a job where you get more money?

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