Sunday 16 February 2014


Whats more important?

Today I´m going to tell you something about Job Statisfaction and Money.
That means mostly about Job Interviews and the question what is more important, Job Statisfaction or Money?

Job Interviews:

  • 1st:Be yourself, if you play a person who isn´t you, how are you going to play it for years?
  • Exceptions:If you are not confident but you need this job badly, then train your confidence! 
  •   DO NOT GIVE UP!(besides you won´t get the job for sure(that means he tells you, you won´t get it))
  • Be as honest as possible!
  • Don´t talk much about why or how you lost your old job, so that he doesn´t think you´regoing to do the same thing in this job.


Don´t be OVERconfident!
He/She is going to think you are a guy who thinks he can make everything he wants without asking the Boss!

What´s more important:Job Satisfaction or money?

Sucess is a vital part of a job but do you want to work 10 hours a day in a job you don´t like to get the money?(If yes then you can stop reading now,if no then keep on reading.)
Or would you rather earn enough money in a job you enjoy?

Some tips for job searching:

  • Try to find a job that seems interesting to you and uses your strengths!For Example: If you like Art and you´re good at painting, try finding a job where you will earn enough money to live and you will be challenge so it doesn´t get boring all of a sudden!

  • If you have friends who have a job that you would like to do too, ask them for help!Don´t search for hours in the Internet if you can ask a friend.

  • What are your strengths? Answer that question to yourself, after that what you are interested in and search for a job based on that.   e.g. don´t try to get a job you would be good at even though you don´t enjoy it as much or the other way around.

  • But always remember: Money is important never take a job that you enjoy but you earn like no money at all because today with all the modern stuff and medical advantages, if you can pay for them, your life is going to be so much better.

  • Never forget don´t take a job you don´t want to do!

I hope this helps for your future job interviews or decisions regarding this topic!

Thanks for Reading

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