Sunday 13 October 2013

Plastic Surgery at 16??!

Hello!! And welcome (back) to Alinas Blog!
Today I am going to write about a recently released law which says that every sixteen year old has to undergo a plastic surgery. Everybody who refuses the surgeries is an outsider, one of the so called “Uglies”.
Many people think that this is a great idea but there are also many opponents and a few aren’t sure what to think about it.
I personally think plastic surgeries are very risky and I mean that this law should be offset because if anyone has a surgery, it should be his or her own decision. Besides, if everyone gets operated too look like someone else, a Star or Top model, than everybody would look the same!
Maybe it would help if everybody would just stay there selves but get operated just a little bit so everybody looks prettier. Still I am not really well-disposed for plastic surgeries.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!!


  1. I find that your contribution to plastic surgeries really helps to improve the social community!
    You're welcome
    - Luzhen

    1. I'm allways pleased to read such positive comments! Thank you very much!

  2. This is a really good comment, Alina!
    This text can change one's opinion on this Topic!


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