Wednesday 16 October 2013


Hello guys I'm going to tell you about a new law which the goverment of the united states is planning to enact.

It says that teenagers with the age of 16 are forced to get a whole body plastic surgery and are turned from uglies to pretties and are allowed to live a life of fun and partying. A point that speaks for it is that there probably will be less racism because everyone looks alike. It also could increase the chance of a good job and probably open some doors in the future. There also won't be any need to do sports because nobody has to care about their figure anymore when liposuction can just make you thin. But it also could have negativ side-effects like headache or drowsiness. There also can be complications with the surgery which could be followed by sickness or death. But the stupidest thing is that there wont be any uniqness because everyone looks alike and ther is no uniqness.

I think that it is pretty much the dumbest law that was ever proposed and I hope that it wont come to that because there is absolutly no reason to do stuff like that which can kill people.

My opinion on a solution is that people are allowed to get plastic surgery if they want to, but only from the age of 18 and against even more money so less people can afford it.


  1. I agree with you that this is the dumbest law ever.

  2. I find your Idea with the picture very Interesting


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