Tuesday 15 October 2013

Plastic Surgery: A must have???!!!

Hello guys,
today I'm gonna tell you about plastic surgery's, their PROs and CONs and their consequences to our health.
The new Austrian government (red/black) presents a new law: Everybody have to do a plastic surgery or otherwise it will have his consequences for the culprits.

I personally think that plastic surgery isn't good for everybody because it has many adverse effects. First of all, the materials which are made of silicon are sometimes insecure. If you're allergic to this material you may become some redness or more nasty things. In order to guard against those things you shall make a test for sure.

Second, the surgery is very expensive and sometimes the peoples didn't have the money for such stuffs. For this problem there's a solution: The government could foster those people who haven't the money.

The third point is that plastic surgery had risks. One of thousand plastic surgery's ends deadly. If you won't be the one, then do NOT  made a plastic surgery.

But even plastic surgery's have their good points. One of them is that the people who have an implant feel more self confident than other people who haven't those implants. Sometimes is a plastic surgery for 16 years old teenager's only for a proof that you're cool and nobody can stop you.

Another good argument is that less teenager's will mob you because you are prettier than the others or you are as pretty as the others.

The last good point that I prepare for you is that most of the people who have done the plastic surgery are very happy because they aren't the Uglies anymore.

I personally think that plastic surgery isn't an good idea for a law, everybody should his or her free choice to have implants in his or her body or not. Perhaps we (the people who are against that law) can organise a demonstration to let the government see what we think about their new law.

I wouldn't do a plastic surgery at all, not even if somebody force me to do that. Everybody have his own opinion and I think our country is better without this law. My ultimate opinion is "You only see clearly with your heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye."

 Saint-Antoine Exupery "The little Prince"


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