Monday 14 October 2013

Plastic surgery for everyone ?

Plastic surgery for everyone ?

A new law  forces the 16 year old people to do plastic surgery. Many people like the new law, because they always wanted plastic surgery. But some people, think that it isn´t a good idea to have plastic surgery at the age of 16. This people are called the "Uglies". Now I´m going to tell you the advantages and the disadvantages of plastic surgery. Some advantage would be, that there is less mobbing because of appearance. And some people would be happy after the surgery, because they aren´t ugly any more. 
     But plastic surgery has many disadvantages, like there is a high risk of skin cancer. One of five patients is suffering from complications. And after the operation, the patient might not be happy of the result. And the fewest would have the money to pay the operation. So I think it isn´t a good idea, that everyone has platic surgery at the age of 16, for some people it might be good. But not for the most.

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