Saturday 19 October 2013

Dear 4B,

please watch the following video until Tuesday so that we can discuss it in class.

Do not forget to take notes and to bring them with you.

The Weight of the Nation - Obesity and Poverty

Friday 18 October 2013

Plastic Surgery for everyone?!

Plastic Surgery for everyone?!


The new Austrian government decided last week a new law: Plastic surgery for everyone with 16 years. The law is starting in January 2014.


Many people are angry about the new law. Everyone has to make a plastic surgery at the age of 16 years. The statement of the government is that no one is perfect and that you are after the surgery more beautiful. But what is with the side-effects? Very much jung people are afraid, because of the side-effects. You can also get an allergic reaction. Some parents meant that their children are more successful after the surgery because they are more beautiful. The Austrian people don’t know how much that costs. Not everyone is so rich!


I think that the plastic surgery for everyone isn’t a good idea because not everyone wants it. The surgery shouldn’t be for everyone, only for those people who want it and earliest at the age of 16.

Wednesday 16 October 2013


Hello guys I'm going to tell you about a new law which the goverment of the united states is planning to enact.

It says that teenagers with the age of 16 are forced to get a whole body plastic surgery and are turned from uglies to pretties and are allowed to live a life of fun and partying. A point that speaks for it is that there probably will be less racism because everyone looks alike. It also could increase the chance of a good job and probably open some doors in the future. There also won't be any need to do sports because nobody has to care about their figure anymore when liposuction can just make you thin. But it also could have negativ side-effects like headache or drowsiness. There also can be complications with the surgery which could be followed by sickness or death. But the stupidest thing is that there wont be any uniqness because everyone looks alike and ther is no uniqness.

I think that it is pretty much the dumbest law that was ever proposed and I hope that it wont come to that because there is absolutly no reason to do stuff like that which can kill people.

My opinion on a solution is that people are allowed to get plastic surgery if they want to, but only from the age of 18 and against even more money so less people can afford it.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Plastic Surgery: A must have???!!!

Hello guys,
today I'm gonna tell you about plastic surgery's, their PROs and CONs and their consequences to our health.
The new Austrian government (red/black) presents a new law: Everybody have to do a plastic surgery or otherwise it will have his consequences for the culprits.

I personally think that plastic surgery isn't good for everybody because it has many adverse effects. First of all, the materials which are made of silicon are sometimes insecure. If you're allergic to this material you may become some redness or more nasty things. In order to guard against those things you shall make a test for sure.

Second, the surgery is very expensive and sometimes the peoples didn't have the money for such stuffs. For this problem there's a solution: The government could foster those people who haven't the money.

The third point is that plastic surgery had risks. One of thousand plastic surgery's ends deadly. If you won't be the one, then do NOT  made a plastic surgery.

But even plastic surgery's have their good points. One of them is that the people who have an implant feel more self confident than other people who haven't those implants. Sometimes is a plastic surgery for 16 years old teenager's only for a proof that you're cool and nobody can stop you.

Another good argument is that less teenager's will mob you because you are prettier than the others or you are as pretty as the others.

The last good point that I prepare for you is that most of the people who have done the plastic surgery are very happy because they aren't the Uglies anymore.

I personally think that plastic surgery isn't an good idea for a law, everybody should his or her free choice to have implants in his or her body or not. Perhaps we (the people who are against that law) can organise a demonstration to let the government see what we think about their new law.

I wouldn't do a plastic surgery at all, not even if somebody force me to do that. Everybody have his own opinion and I think our country is better without this law. My ultimate opinion is "You only see clearly with your heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye."

 Saint-Antoine Exupery "The little Prince"

Monday 14 October 2013

Plastic surgery for everyone ?

Plastic surgery for everyone ?

A new law  forces the 16 year old people to do plastic surgery. Many people like the new law, because they always wanted plastic surgery. But some people, think that it isn´t a good idea to have plastic surgery at the age of 16. This people are called the "Uglies". Now I´m going to tell you the advantages and the disadvantages of plastic surgery. Some advantage would be, that there is less mobbing because of appearance. And some people would be happy after the surgery, because they aren´t ugly any more. 
     But plastic surgery has many disadvantages, like there is a high risk of skin cancer. One of five patients is suffering from complications. And after the operation, the patient might not be happy of the result. And the fewest would have the money to pay the operation. So I think it isn´t a good idea, that everyone has platic surgery at the age of 16, for some people it might be good. But not for the most.

Sunday 13 October 2013

Comment on a new law

The new Austrian government (Koalation Black/Pink/Red) introduces a new law, where guys at the age of 16 have a (plastic) surgery, to become „Pretties“. But some people don’t want to have a surgery, so they are called the „Uglies“. This implementation starts in May 2015.

There are some Pros and Cons for this „idea“ :


·        After the plastic surgery you look prettier

·        You don’t „need“ to do sports àuposuction

·        Less mobbing


·        Too expensive

·        Anaesthesia is dangerous and might life-threatening

·        Less sports à unhealthy lifestyle: bypasses, highet blood pressure

I think that plastic surgeries are dangerous, especially for young people. With a little mistake oft he doctor, you can die. So when you need a surgery, to get helthier than befor, than do this! But when you only want to become „prettier“, don’t do it! Are you sure, that you want to lose natural features and (maybe) lose your live in one second?

Thank you, and see you next week!
Yours, Martina :-)

Luzhen Gong: Plastic surgery should be legalized with 16 ??

The new Austrian Government introduces a new law. It says that everyone, who reaches the age of 16 has to get a plastic surgery. Afterwards they will become to "pretties". The implementation will start in May 2015.
Most of the people like the new law, because they think that it is useful, but where the people are for it, there are also people who are against it. However, since there were many protests,  for it or not, the government decided to orient themselves to the experts.
Together with the experts, they were looking for pros and cons and now I'm presenting it for you.

No mobbing, Everyone will be targeted to look like a top model, Surgeons and the state will suppose to earn a lot of money, Children who are brain washed by the media will look at last satisfied with their lives.

The price for the operation and insurance etc, high risk of side effects (for example: cancer, asthma, rash, etc.),  Never ending competition with the beauties, There is a small chance at the surgery that can go wrong and ultimately leads to death

My personal opinion is that I'm fully against this suggestion with the plastic surgery. I think that's not useful, because I think that you should not send a 16 year old kid for a plastic surgery. Everyone is beautiful at his/ her own way and if someone doesn't seem to it, he or he should probably improve his/her self-esteem. Yes, there are exceptions but in which another possibility is gain.

Now I come to the conclusion for a possible solution, I think plastic surgery should be introduced to 16 year old kiddies, but when they want to get a plastic surgery, they have to need a permission from their parents. People who are older than 21are allowed without permission from parents to get a plastic surgery.
With this idea we want to help the children to feel beautiful and to increase the national treasury.
You're welcome!

Plastic Surgery at the age of 16 years?

Since we had voted a new major and he want to release a new law which says that every one has to do an plastic surgery at the age of sixteen.
And then we the "Uglies" will become "Pretties".
Many people likes our new major but some people hates him.
I will name you now the 

less of mobbing and racism, you can have the figure you wanted, more money will be invested into the medicine


it isn't for free, very expensive price, can bring allergic reactions, can bring breast cancer

In my opinion it isnot such a bad idea I mean I can have the figure i ever wanted but a cons is that it isn't for free because I mean if the gouverment force somebody to do it why isn't the surgery for free ?

Jakobs Blog: Why plastic surgerys with 16?

Since the new law which tells us to do plastic surgerys with 16 years has been introduced, some people got really angry because they say it´s their own decision to make plastic surgerys or not. That´s also my opinion, because I think we have the right to do what we want and nobody has the right to tell us how we have to look like. Especially the fact that 16 year old boys and girls get forced to look like the government wants them to look is an insolence. That´s all I wanted to say. Thank you for reading my blog I hope you enjoyed it and do maybe agree. Good night.

Plastic Surgery at the Age of 16?

The new major of Chester's Mill want to release a new law. Everyone has to get a plastic surgery at the Age of 16. Afterwards they become "Pretties". Most people like the new law and the major, but some people, called the "Smokes" protest against the law. The major decides to ask experts for their support. They collect pros and cons.

no solitude, no mobbing, personal style (clothes) would be effected, surgeons earn a lot of money

very expensive price, high risk factor/possibly cancer, people want to become a surgeon/nobody wants to become another kind of doctor, neverending competition

The major and the experts decide that people don't have to get the surgery. They consider carefully that everyone can make his own decision.

Plastic Surgery at 16??!

Hello!! And welcome (back) to Alinas Blog!
Today I am going to write about a recently released law which says that every sixteen year old has to undergo a plastic surgery. Everybody who refuses the surgeries is an outsider, one of the so called “Uglies”.
Many people think that this is a great idea but there are also many opponents and a few aren’t sure what to think about it.
I personally think plastic surgeries are very risky and I mean that this law should be offset because if anyone has a surgery, it should be his or her own decision. Besides, if everyone gets operated too look like someone else, a Star or Top model, than everybody would look the same!
Maybe it would help if everybody would just stay there selves but get operated just a little bit so everybody looks prettier. Still I am not really well-disposed for plastic surgeries.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!!