Sunday 30 March 2014

MM_The craziest scientist

By Martina Markunović

The craziest scientist
Professor John Frink
This is the craziest scientist I have ever met: Professor John Nerdelbaum Frink, Jr. He has got darkblond hair and he often wears pink trousers with a white shirt, a blue fly and grey shoes. He adores to show his surrounding people that he is a scientist with his lab coat and a bottle with sulfuric acid in it.

Professor Frink tries to hold lessons to people who aren’t as ingenious as he is. And when he tries to explain something, he is like in his own movie with lots of great labs wich are full of chemicals and chemical things and where he can do what he wants to and experiment with dangerous materials. He explains things like they were really big and it is so incomprehensible that it is no surprising that nobody is as good as he in science and other areas.

John Frink is not a social person. He is always alone in his big penthouse in the downtown of Vienna. He has got only one friend: his cat Snowball. He always talks with the cat like with a normal person. He plays with Barbie dolls, speaks like a four-year-old girl and wears sometimes girly clothes.
When John thinks about chemical things, he relaxes on his old big rudy chair where he holds his cat on his lap and strokes it like a very old and wise man.

I think that John Frink is the craziest scientist I have ever met because he is so unique and shy and he does so weird actions that it is really funny when you are with him in one room.

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