Tuesday 1 April 2014

SL_ Crazy collector

Hey guys! This text is about a very nice woman who has got a very strange hobby. She collects bones of animals and also of human beings.

The Hobby
Susan Michael is 42 years old and lives in Townsville with her 10 years old son in a house near the coast. The house is from her parents and very big, so she has got enough walls and cupboards to keep also some very old bones safe. If she doesn’t clean the bones or just watches them she works as a biologist (bone research). Her job takes very much time of her life so if she’s home she loves it to be just with her son Tom and her bones.

The Bones
Most people think:”IHHHHH…How ugly!” if they hear of her hobby. Most of them can’t imagine how you can live in a house full of bones. And I’m really sorry but I can’t too, but for Tom it is the most normal thing all over the world. He grew up with the bones because Susan wasn’t the first “bones collector” in her family. Her dad began to collect when he was 20 years old. When he died his wife searched for another house and Susan got the big house and all the bones.

The House
I met Susan in her house and talked with her. All around me were bones. Big bones, small bones, skulls, first it was creepy but then I acclimatized and I thought it was really interesting what she told me about the differences between the bones. In my opinion it was really interesting what she told me.  In the house it didn’t smell different like in other houses. The bones don’t stink at all…jJust a little bit.

The Film
Susan told me that two years ago a film company asked her if they could shoot a film in her house. She said yes and her son was even allowed to act a little part in the film. (He just had to scream and run away.)
All together I think that this hobby is really crazy but also rather interesting. And I really admire Susan Michael for collecting collects so many bones besides a full time job and her family.

Thanks for your attention. I look forward to read you again. 

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