Friday 23 May 2014

Book Review:The Mortal Instruments-City of Bones Mortal InstrumentsCity of BonesCassandra Clare
“City of Bones” is the first book in the fascinating row “The Mortal Instruments” by Cassandra Clair. The book is about a fifteen year old girl named Clarissa Fray, called Clary. Clary is a totally ordinary girl, or actually not…
When Clary and her best friend Simon go to “Pandemonium”, a dance club in New York City, she witnesses three teenagers following a blue haired boy and apparently without any reason they kill him. Clary is terrified. But then she realizes something, Clary is the only one able to see the mysterious young people with the woven ornaments tattooed all over their beautiful, muscular bodies. Shadowhunters.
When suddenly Clary’s mum is gone, Clary is attacked by a snakelike looking creature, called Ravener, a demon and Clary somehow wakes up in a Shadowhunter institute, she realizes that her mum wasn’t exactly the person she seemed to be. At the institute Clary gets to know Isabelle, Alec and Jace, Jace the young Shadowhunter who rescued her after the Ravener attack. She also meets the threes’ trainer Hodge and their slightly creepy cat church. Clair needs to find out where her mum is and Jace agrees to help her. Together with Isabelle and Alec they experience many spooky adventures that give you goose bumps.
Also interesting, I find, are the relationships between the protagonists. Simon and Clary are best friends but when Simon falls in love with Isabelle, Clary is not very happy with that. Isabelle is a very beautiful young Shadowhunter woman with shimmering long black hair. Clary doesn’t like her. She is too pretty Clary thinks. And I think the most interesting character is Jace because to the outside he is very hard and inapproachable but when he is with Clary, and only then, we get to know his gentle, caring side. Clary is attracted to him and Jace also likes Clary very much and in the beginning of the book you would gess they get together but ***SPOILERALARM*** in the end they find out that they are siblings. Which I personally found a bit of shocking, I really wouldn’t have awaited that.
The whole book is written very catchy and is an absolutely must-have-read for fantasy-fans. I think the book really shows situations in Clary’s when everything changes and I think Cassandra Clare did a very good job describing her reaction.
I would give the book                                               from five hearts.
I hope you enjoyed reading and found my review interesting.                                                                                                        

Thursday 22 May 2014

Book Report "The Hunger Games-Mockingjay"

Hello guys,
today I'm going to tell you something about the third part of the Hunger Games triology of Suzanne Collins. But attention, this article may include spoilers!!!

Suzanne was born in Hardford(New Jersey) in the year 1962, 10th of august. Now she lives with her husband and two children in Connecticut. She wrote the Hunger Games triology because she had realized that many people lives in poverty.

The final part of the Hunger Games triology is about a revolution against the capitol.

While Katniss visits her home district which is completely destroyed except of the victors village she finds a white rose from president Snow as a warning. Katniss and Peeta have survived the Hunger Games twice but the capitol catches Peeta. In the meantime Katniss, Gale, the other residents of district 13 and some other districts plan a
revolution against the capitol to let them stopp the Hunger Games and their authority over the other districts. Katniss should be their mockingjay. At first she isn't complain with the idea of the mockingjay. But then she agrees to that plan. After the capture of the other districts, except district 2 which is loyal to the capitol, the districts escape and rescue Annie(Finnicks love) and Peeta with a surprise attack. But the capitol has tortured him so hardly that he thinks that Katniss is an enemy.

Katniss lets herself transfer to district 2 because she knows that many of the peacekeepers are there. Because of that Katniss and the others of district 13 attack them. They leave one exit open to let them give up but Gale come up with a better idea. He overwhelms the other exits, so that there is only one exit anymore. So the peacekeepers and the workers have to come to outside if they won't die inside. But during the execution of them, a peacekeeper tries to kill Katniss but it doesn't work. The workers kill that person afterwards. After that mission Finnick gets marry with Annie.

I would love to tell you guys more from that book but I won't spoil your reading enjoying. I think that book was quite amusing but it would be difficult to read if you haven't read the first two parts. Well, I advise you the whole triology because I think this book belongs to the general education of our generation.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

SL_ Crazy collector

Hey guys! This text is about a very nice woman who has got a very strange hobby. She collects bones of animals and also of human beings.

The Hobby
Susan Michael is 42 years old and lives in Townsville with her 10 years old son in a house near the coast. The house is from her parents and very big, so she has got enough walls and cupboards to keep also some very old bones safe. If she doesn’t clean the bones or just watches them she works as a biologist (bone research). Her job takes very much time of her life so if she’s home she loves it to be just with her son Tom and her bones.

The Bones
Most people think:”IHHHHH…How ugly!” if they hear of her hobby. Most of them can’t imagine how you can live in a house full of bones. And I’m really sorry but I can’t too, but for Tom it is the most normal thing all over the world. He grew up with the bones because Susan wasn’t the first “bones collector” in her family. Her dad began to collect when he was 20 years old. When he died his wife searched for another house and Susan got the big house and all the bones.

The House
I met Susan in her house and talked with her. All around me were bones. Big bones, small bones, skulls, first it was creepy but then I acclimatized and I thought it was really interesting what she told me about the differences between the bones. In my opinion it was really interesting what she told me.  In the house it didn’t smell different like in other houses. The bones don’t stink at all…jJust a little bit.

The Film
Susan told me that two years ago a film company asked her if they could shoot a film in her house. She said yes and her son was even allowed to act a little part in the film. (He just had to scream and run away.)
All together I think that this hobby is really crazy but also rather interesting. And I really admire Susan Michael for collecting collects so many bones besides a full time job and her family.

Thanks for your attention. I look forward to read you again. 

Sunday 30 March 2014

MM_The craziest scientist

By Martina Markunović

The craziest scientist
Professor John Frink
This is the craziest scientist I have ever met: Professor John Nerdelbaum Frink, Jr. He has got darkblond hair and he often wears pink trousers with a white shirt, a blue fly and grey shoes. He adores to show his surrounding people that he is a scientist with his lab coat and a bottle with sulfuric acid in it.

Professor Frink tries to hold lessons to people who aren’t as ingenious as he is. And when he tries to explain something, he is like in his own movie with lots of great labs wich are full of chemicals and chemical things and where he can do what he wants to and experiment with dangerous materials. He explains things like they were really big and it is so incomprehensible that it is no surprising that nobody is as good as he in science and other areas.

John Frink is not a social person. He is always alone in his big penthouse in the downtown of Vienna. He has got only one friend: his cat Snowball. He always talks with the cat like with a normal person. He plays with Barbie dolls, speaks like a four-year-old girl and wears sometimes girly clothes.
When John thinks about chemical things, he relaxes on his old big rudy chair where he holds his cat on his lap and strokes it like a very old and wise man.

I think that John Frink is the craziest scientist I have ever met because he is so unique and shy and he does so weird actions that it is really funny when you are with him in one room.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Letter of Recommendation

Letter of Recommendation

Sascha is the best snow clearer i have ever seen. He always did his work with passion. I never had to say him what to do. Because it was already done. With time we became friends. He is a very reliable and responsible employee. He was also a nice team mate, he helped his friends. And if somebody was sick, he was doing his work too, until he was able to work again. There was never a situation in which i didn´t could trust him. Every time he was there when i needed him. Sascha is a great employee, I think every company should be happy to have Sascha in the team.

Tuesday 11 March 2014


I’m writing about Daniel’s skills as secretary.

Daniel was one of my best employee I ever had, he won always the employee of the month title and mostly the employee of the year title too. He studied in Oxford and on other really good universities. He had other jobs on the North and South Pole, examples, he was Mr. Santa’s personally secretary and Mrs. Santa’s   second secretary. He was for one year on a education camp for high qualified secretary’s. Short  he is one of the best secretary’s on the world, no one can top him. He went away because he want to gather experience.





By Lorenz to Daniel

Tuesday 4 March 2014



I saw an advertisement in the Snowman newspaper for this job and one minute I wrote this letter of application. I studied at the University of forming balls. I was before on a three year tour in the Antarctic. I had no problem with the snow and the cold. I was always first in my class at school in ball forming. After my school I train my body now I can lift up 35 kilos snow. A long and beautiful dream would come true for me. So I´m perfect for this job.

e-mail: I´m.perfect.for@this.job

by: Lorenz 4D

Monday 3 March 2014

Sleigh Painter Application

Dear Santa !

   With great curiosity I have red your newspaper job ad for the free sleigh painter position. I want to do this job, because i love helping for christmas and I also like to do something with art. So I decided to applicate for the sleigh painter position. Four years i have studied at the Santa university for art. And i have a graduated a sleigh painting course. Before, I was responsible for the wrapping paper design. But then I decided to do something that is more important, and then I found your job ad. With my courses and my experience with design, would it be a honor, to take over this important task.

Job ad by Benedict Ogunbode



The North Pole (where Santa’s Factory is) welcomes all the people who send application for a job in the factory of Candy Cane (North Pole) If you have a talent in making of Candy Canes you can improve it. It is suggested.



                            Person:       Santa Claus

                            Place:                   North Pole

                            State:          HOH OHO

                            Country:     Canada
                            Phone: (314) 1592-6535

                            Fax: (897) 9323-8462


                            Application Deadline: November 24th, 2014
                      Deat Santa's secret service station,
i would like to work for you because I love making cand canes. I am really creative  and I can think of new (tasty) flavours easily. I eat candy but  you can be sure that I will not eat all of them. I already worked as a candy cane maker in france for almost three years so I have a lot of experience.
I have absolved the international degree of candy arts and I have the bachelor for team candy making. I also was in a specific school that is specialized for candy making,for seven years. 
If it is necessary I can work the whole day so that we have  enough candy for the christmas season. I am able to work in teams , but I do not have experience in working with elves , but I am sure I can get used to it really fast. If I have to taste my own creations I can eat a lot of them without getting stomach ache. I have no problem with working on christmas day and the day around christmas. 
I would be really happy if I get the job and I think I am perfect for it.

Tuesday 25 February 2014


Santa Claus is again searching for the best gingerbread-maker of the world!
Needed are persons with baking experience and a good taste. Grannys are especially wanted! Persons with long hair and beards won´t get picked because of hygiene problems, same as spitting people and people with a moist pronunciation.

Santa Claus                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
North Pole
Snowy Avenue, 1

Phone: 1029384756
Fax: 0192837465

!!!DEADLINE!!!: December 24th, 2014

by Jakob

Gingerbread Maker


The North Pole welcomes the interest of qualified Gingerbread Maker wishing to be considered for employed in the Gingerbread making department. Applicants must have at least a year baking experience, and good decoration skills as you will be decorating the gingerbread man. It would also be a good idea to have some experience working with elves, as you will be fitting them on a daily basis. applicants must also be willing to reside at the North Pole during the Christmas season. Overtime is expected, and wages can be negotiated. A graduate degree in Bedazzling is strongly recommended.   

Please forward your resume to:
                                                    Santa Claus
                                                    North Pole
                                               HOH OHO

Phone: (123) 456-7890
Fax: (123) 098-7654


by Marie

Santa Bear Trimmer


North Pole

Santa’s beard requires the utmost care! The North Pole is looking for a new employee, a trimmer to cut Santa’s beard. This job requires 4-6 years of expert training. The qualified trimmer must be able to cut hair and successfully manage to cut a long beard perfectly. It is beneficial if the trimmer has experience as a hairdresser. Also an important skill is the ability to cooperate with co-workers, since Santa’s employees and elves work with them together with great teamwork and motivation. A master’s degree in the Arts is strongly recommended. 

Please forward your resume to: 

Santa Claus

North Pole

Christmas Avenue 10

Phone: 101-101-101

Fax: (987) 012-3456



by Stella

Candy Cane Maker needed!
Candy Cane Maker needed!
Santa’s secret service station
Santa’s secret service station is searching for a new Candy Cane Maker! We need someone who is creative, flexible and totally in love with candy canes. You need to bring passion into this job or otherwise nobody will want to eat your candy.
You have to have absolved the international degree of candy arts, the new version of the master of sugar production and the bachelor of team candy making.
As already said you need to be able to work in teams and to eat lots and lots of candy because you will have to try your creations to tell if they are tasty or not. Also you would have to work before and on Christmas day.
If these qualities are yours and you think you can manage this job then contact us and send your resume to:
Santa Clause and Santa Claudia
Christmas Avenue
Phone (+358)6660861
Email santa’

Sendings are accepted till 30th march 2014

South Pole Penguin Club - Workshop Manager

South Pole
The South Pole Penguin Club needs some very intelligent elf workers, who don’t want to work on the North Pole. Working on the South Pole has many pros, for example the Penguin Workers are well dressed.
Applicants should have a very long experience in other Manager Jobs. It would be great, if you know important clients like Santa Claus.
As a Workshop Manager you only have to work from Monday till Friday. Only just before Christmas you have to spend your holydays on work. 
You will get a lot of money as Workshop Manager and you will have lots of fun with this job. 
I recommend this job, because the penguins are always nice and it’s never rainy at the South Pole!
Please forward your covering letter to:
Mr. Y
South Pole
Phone: (15) 1551-5115

Application deadline: 3.4.2015

by Adrian