Sunday 30 March 2014

MM_The craziest scientist

By Martina Markunović

The craziest scientist
Professor John Frink
This is the craziest scientist I have ever met: Professor John Nerdelbaum Frink, Jr. He has got darkblond hair and he often wears pink trousers with a white shirt, a blue fly and grey shoes. He adores to show his surrounding people that he is a scientist with his lab coat and a bottle with sulfuric acid in it.

Professor Frink tries to hold lessons to people who aren’t as ingenious as he is. And when he tries to explain something, he is like in his own movie with lots of great labs wich are full of chemicals and chemical things and where he can do what he wants to and experiment with dangerous materials. He explains things like they were really big and it is so incomprehensible that it is no surprising that nobody is as good as he in science and other areas.

John Frink is not a social person. He is always alone in his big penthouse in the downtown of Vienna. He has got only one friend: his cat Snowball. He always talks with the cat like with a normal person. He plays with Barbie dolls, speaks like a four-year-old girl and wears sometimes girly clothes.
When John thinks about chemical things, he relaxes on his old big rudy chair where he holds his cat on his lap and strokes it like a very old and wise man.

I think that John Frink is the craziest scientist I have ever met because he is so unique and shy and he does so weird actions that it is really funny when you are with him in one room.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Letter of Recommendation

Letter of Recommendation

Sascha is the best snow clearer i have ever seen. He always did his work with passion. I never had to say him what to do. Because it was already done. With time we became friends. He is a very reliable and responsible employee. He was also a nice team mate, he helped his friends. And if somebody was sick, he was doing his work too, until he was able to work again. There was never a situation in which i didn´t could trust him. Every time he was there when i needed him. Sascha is a great employee, I think every company should be happy to have Sascha in the team.

Tuesday 11 March 2014


I’m writing about Daniel’s skills as secretary.

Daniel was one of my best employee I ever had, he won always the employee of the month title and mostly the employee of the year title too. He studied in Oxford and on other really good universities. He had other jobs on the North and South Pole, examples, he was Mr. Santa’s personally secretary and Mrs. Santa’s   second secretary. He was for one year on a education camp for high qualified secretary’s. Short  he is one of the best secretary’s on the world, no one can top him. He went away because he want to gather experience.





By Lorenz to Daniel

Tuesday 4 March 2014



I saw an advertisement in the Snowman newspaper for this job and one minute I wrote this letter of application. I studied at the University of forming balls. I was before on a three year tour in the Antarctic. I had no problem with the snow and the cold. I was always first in my class at school in ball forming. After my school I train my body now I can lift up 35 kilos snow. A long and beautiful dream would come true for me. So I´m perfect for this job.

e-mail: I´m.perfect.for@this.job

by: Lorenz 4D

Monday 3 March 2014

Sleigh Painter Application

Dear Santa !

   With great curiosity I have red your newspaper job ad for the free sleigh painter position. I want to do this job, because i love helping for christmas and I also like to do something with art. So I decided to applicate for the sleigh painter position. Four years i have studied at the Santa university for art. And i have a graduated a sleigh painting course. Before, I was responsible for the wrapping paper design. But then I decided to do something that is more important, and then I found your job ad. With my courses and my experience with design, would it be a honor, to take over this important task.

Job ad by Benedict Ogunbode



The North Pole (where Santa’s Factory is) welcomes all the people who send application for a job in the factory of Candy Cane (North Pole) If you have a talent in making of Candy Canes you can improve it. It is suggested.



                            Person:       Santa Claus

                            Place:                   North Pole

                            State:          HOH OHO

                            Country:     Canada
                            Phone: (314) 1592-6535

                            Fax: (897) 9323-8462


                            Application Deadline: November 24th, 2014
                      Deat Santa's secret service station,
i would like to work for you because I love making cand canes. I am really creative  and I can think of new (tasty) flavours easily. I eat candy but  you can be sure that I will not eat all of them. I already worked as a candy cane maker in france for almost three years so I have a lot of experience.
I have absolved the international degree of candy arts and I have the bachelor for team candy making. I also was in a specific school that is specialized for candy making,for seven years. 
If it is necessary I can work the whole day so that we have  enough candy for the christmas season. I am able to work in teams , but I do not have experience in working with elves , but I am sure I can get used to it really fast. If I have to taste my own creations I can eat a lot of them without getting stomach ache. I have no problem with working on christmas day and the day around christmas. 
I would be really happy if I get the job and I think I am perfect for it.