Wednesday 27 November 2013

A fair world?

These info graphics illustrate the diversity gap in the US Congress, American Politics and the Media.

Monday 25 November 2013

OUR WEBSITE (robert&sascha)

By Robert Pfaff &Sascha Obermayer

At first we want to tell you Fairtrade is a company who makes a lot of projects which gives people a fair price for their products, so they can buy food, clothes and pay the school for their kids.
(these are the States that produce the most chocolate)
Ivory Coast: 37.1%
Ghana: 21.9%
Indonesia: 11.2%
Nigeria: 5.9%
Brazil: 5.5%
Cameroun: 5.2%

The people who live there first didn't know when they get money and when not. When Fairtrade came to them they gave them a fixed price for their cocoa bean and so there life went better.

Racism is a hot topic that erveryone of us knows. Ervery 15th white human is a racist. The most people are racist about ethical issues and bodycolour. But the question is WHY?
Our decision is that racis people are scared to lose there jobs because they work for a cheeper price.

If you have the same meaning of us come to one of our meetings and discuss with others about it. More infomations on

Monday 18 November 2013

My contribution presented by Luzhen Gong

It's kind of funny when nothing is going on the blog.

- Luzhen