Saturday 24 August 2013

Welcome Everybody!

I am very happy to see you have found your way to our classroom blog and hope you are excited to get started.

As I have already told you in class, the idea of this blog is to collect your contributions, to offer you the possibility to give feedback on your classmates' work and also to receive some for your own.
Therefore, I would like you to read through the following ground rules in order for this to be a pleasant experience for everybody:

1) THINK before you post. 
Run your assignments through a spell check and reflect on your statements. Only post contributions you would like to read yourself.

This is supposed to be a shared space where everybody should feel free to express themselves. Give feedback you would find helpful yourself and do not let your personal feelings influence your judgement.

Assignments which are linked to this blog count as much toward your final grade as other homework.

4) Be ACTIVE. 
This blog can only serve its purpose if you have a look at your classmates' work as well and if you comment on it. This is not only supposed to be a database for your assignments but a workshop during which you can exchange and develop ideas and create collaborative projects.

If you find yourselves incapable to stick to any of the four rules described above, this project will need to be SHUT DOWN and replaced by traditional homework assignments.

However, I really hope this won't be the case and I am very much looking forward to sharing this experience with you.

And now:

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