Friday 23 May 2014

Book Review:The Mortal Instruments-City of Bones Mortal InstrumentsCity of BonesCassandra Clare
“City of Bones” is the first book in the fascinating row “The Mortal Instruments” by Cassandra Clair. The book is about a fifteen year old girl named Clarissa Fray, called Clary. Clary is a totally ordinary girl, or actually not…
When Clary and her best friend Simon go to “Pandemonium”, a dance club in New York City, she witnesses three teenagers following a blue haired boy and apparently without any reason they kill him. Clary is terrified. But then she realizes something, Clary is the only one able to see the mysterious young people with the woven ornaments tattooed all over their beautiful, muscular bodies. Shadowhunters.
When suddenly Clary’s mum is gone, Clary is attacked by a snakelike looking creature, called Ravener, a demon and Clary somehow wakes up in a Shadowhunter institute, she realizes that her mum wasn’t exactly the person she seemed to be. At the institute Clary gets to know Isabelle, Alec and Jace, Jace the young Shadowhunter who rescued her after the Ravener attack. She also meets the threes’ trainer Hodge and their slightly creepy cat church. Clair needs to find out where her mum is and Jace agrees to help her. Together with Isabelle and Alec they experience many spooky adventures that give you goose bumps.
Also interesting, I find, are the relationships between the protagonists. Simon and Clary are best friends but when Simon falls in love with Isabelle, Clary is not very happy with that. Isabelle is a very beautiful young Shadowhunter woman with shimmering long black hair. Clary doesn’t like her. She is too pretty Clary thinks. And I think the most interesting character is Jace because to the outside he is very hard and inapproachable but when he is with Clary, and only then, we get to know his gentle, caring side. Clary is attracted to him and Jace also likes Clary very much and in the beginning of the book you would gess they get together but ***SPOILERALARM*** in the end they find out that they are siblings. Which I personally found a bit of shocking, I really wouldn’t have awaited that.
The whole book is written very catchy and is an absolutely must-have-read for fantasy-fans. I think the book really shows situations in Clary’s when everything changes and I think Cassandra Clare did a very good job describing her reaction.
I would give the book                                               from five hearts.
I hope you enjoyed reading and found my review interesting.                                                                                                        

Thursday 22 May 2014

Book Report "The Hunger Games-Mockingjay"

Hello guys,
today I'm going to tell you something about the third part of the Hunger Games triology of Suzanne Collins. But attention, this article may include spoilers!!!

Suzanne was born in Hardford(New Jersey) in the year 1962, 10th of august. Now she lives with her husband and two children in Connecticut. She wrote the Hunger Games triology because she had realized that many people lives in poverty.

The final part of the Hunger Games triology is about a revolution against the capitol.

While Katniss visits her home district which is completely destroyed except of the victors village she finds a white rose from president Snow as a warning. Katniss and Peeta have survived the Hunger Games twice but the capitol catches Peeta. In the meantime Katniss, Gale, the other residents of district 13 and some other districts plan a
revolution against the capitol to let them stopp the Hunger Games and their authority over the other districts. Katniss should be their mockingjay. At first she isn't complain with the idea of the mockingjay. But then she agrees to that plan. After the capture of the other districts, except district 2 which is loyal to the capitol, the districts escape and rescue Annie(Finnicks love) and Peeta with a surprise attack. But the capitol has tortured him so hardly that he thinks that Katniss is an enemy.

Katniss lets herself transfer to district 2 because she knows that many of the peacekeepers are there. Because of that Katniss and the others of district 13 attack them. They leave one exit open to let them give up but Gale come up with a better idea. He overwhelms the other exits, so that there is only one exit anymore. So the peacekeepers and the workers have to come to outside if they won't die inside. But during the execution of them, a peacekeeper tries to kill Katniss but it doesn't work. The workers kill that person afterwards. After that mission Finnick gets marry with Annie.

I would love to tell you guys more from that book but I won't spoil your reading enjoying. I think that book was quite amusing but it would be difficult to read if you haven't read the first two parts. Well, I advise you the whole triology because I think this book belongs to the general education of our generation.